Archibus SaaS / Maintenance

Role-Based Overview of the Maintenance Module

The Typical Corrective Maintenance Workflow topic and Typical Preventive Maintenance Workflow topic outline using the various tasks manage on demand (reactive) maintenance and preventive maintenance from start to finish. 

Typically, these tasks will be performed by several different types of users and these users will sign into Archibus SaaS to access just the tasks appropriate to their role.

As an alternative overview, this topic lists the roles and their major tasks for preventive maintenance and on demand work.

Since operations vary at each site, the following categorization should be used as a general guide. At your site, roles and tasks might be broken down differently that outlined below. For example, the tasks of the facility manager, maintenance manager, and supervisor might be combined into one role at your site.

Facility Manager

Develop Facility Background Data

Develop Maintenance-Specific Background Data

Develop Labor-Related Background Data

Client / Requestor / Staff

Report a Maintenance Problem

Update Rejected Work Requests

Verify that work was completed

Record satisfaction with the completion of a request

Maintenance Manager

Define Procedures, Steps, and Resources

Assign Procedures to Equipment and Locations

Schedule Preventive Maintenance

Manage Schedules with the PM Planner

Generate Work Orders

Business Manager

Approve Work Requests and Assign to Work Orders

Reject or Cancel Work Requests


Route Service Requests


Review your Work

Estimate Trades and Parts

Track Craftspersons Hours and Costs

Add and Schedule Craftspersons

Reserve Tools

Reassign Work

Track Craftsperson Assignments

Assign Work Requests to Work Orders and Issue the Work

Edit Request Parameters

Create a New Work Request by Copying and Linking

Forward Work

Issue Work

Return Work to a Prior Status

Get Work Request Information to the Person Doing the Work

Update Work Requests with Details from the Job

Update Work Requests and their Labor Assignments

Cancel or Stop Work

Put Work on Hold

Track Work by Division and Department

Benefits of Updating Additional Information for Work Requests

Review Tool Type Information

Complete Work Requests

Verify Completed Work Requests

Close Work Requests

Redline Floor Plans and Photos

Review Reference Documents


Review your Work

Update Work Requests

Update the System with Details about the Job

Edit Request Parameters

Return Work Requests

Create a New Work Request by Copying and Linking

Self-Assign Work

Add Another Craftsperson Assignment

Put Work On Hold

Complete Work Requests and their Assignments

Redline Drawings and Photos for Work Requests

Review Reference Documents for a Work Request

Call Center


Service Desk Manager

Understanding SLAs 

Define SLAs

Determine Ordering Sequence of SLAs

Search & Manage Work Requests

Schedule Substitutes

Inventory Manager

Developing tools and equipment is also listed under the Facility Manager role, where it is part of developing background data.

Develop a Tools Inventory

Develop an Equipment Inventory

Define Parts

Develop Storage Locations

Manage Parts Inventory.

Manage Purchase Orders for Parts

Compare the Electronic Inventory and Physical Parts Inventory

Manually Adjust the Parts Inventory

Review Manual Adjustments

Manage Supply Requisitions

Analysts and Others Requiring Reports

Operational Reports

Management Reports

Analysis Dashboards

System Integrator / System Administrator

Service Level Agreements

Maintenance Console
