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Concept: Updating Work Requests and their Labor Assignments (Supervisors)

Work request Labor Assignments are updated when you change the status of the work request. For example, if you complete a work request, and you are the only craftsperson assigned, the Work Request labor Assignment records are also changed to completed. You can also directly change the Assignment Status. The changes you can make to the Assignment Status depend on your role, the Work Request Status, the current Assignment Status, and whether or not Regular Hours have been entered.

The following topics explain how updating works:

Completing work requests when there are multiple craftspersons assigned

As a supervisor, if you are also assigned to a work request as the only craftsperson, both the work request and all your Work Request Labor Assignment records are completed when you run the Complete action for a work request. This is also the way the Complete action works for the craftsperson.

However, when there are multiple craftspersons assigned to the work, as a supervisor, you might be given an option to close all work assignments, or to close only your assignments. This option is given only if the following conditions apply:

If these conditions apply, when you run the Complete action, the following choice is presented:

Complete Action Description
Mark only your assignment as Completed The system sets the Assignment Status (WRCF.status) field to Complete for all of your Active Work Request Labor Assignment records for the request. The work request will remain Issued because of the other active craftsperson assignments
Set all craftsperson assignments as Completed This marks both the work request and all the Work Request Labor Assignments as Completed (WRCF.status is set to Complete.) You can update labor, parts, comments, and other work details until the request is Closed

You are given the option when clicking Complete for a work request in the Maintenance Console, or when working from the Work Request / Update Work Request form accessed from the Maintenance Console.

Updating work request labor assignments - supervisors

In addition to running the Complete action for the work request, you can directly change the Assignment Status.

Here's how updating the Assignment Status works:

How stopping, re-issuing, self-assigning, and auto-issue impact Assignment Status

When a supervisor takes an action that changes the Work Request Status, this affects the Assignment Status ((WRCF.status) in the following ways:

Action Description
Stop work If you stop the work request, all Work Request Labor Assignment records for the work request are updated to Complete.
Re-issue work If a work request contains Work Request Labor Assignment records that have a status of Returned, the system automatically updates the status of those records to Complete when a supervisor reissues the request.
Auto-issue If a request is rerouted via a different SLA, and the new SLA is set to auto-issue, then any existing Work Request Labor Assignment records are set to Complete when the request gets auto-issued. The one exception to this is newly created Work Request Labor Assignment records that are created if the new SLA is set to auto-schedule; these records are set to Active

Roles that can change the Assignment Status

This table lists the roles and the actions available to that role for changing the Assignment Status (wrcf.status.) The available actions to set the Assignment Status to Complete, Return, or Active vary depending on the current Work Request Labor Assignment Status, and whether the work has Regular Hours entered for it.

Role Work Request Status Work Request Labor Assignments Status– before change Regular Hours? Available Action

Work Request Labor Assignment Status – after change



Active Yes or No Change wrcf.status to Return




Active Yes or No Change wrcf.status to Complete


Supervisor Issued, On Hold Active Yes or No Change wrcf.status to Complete Complete

Issued, On Hold

Returned Yes or No


Supervisor Issued, On Hold Completed No Change wrcf.status to Active Active

Issued, On Hold

Completed Yes


Supervisor A, AA Returned No Change wrcf.status to Active


Supervisor A, AA Returned Yes or No Change wrcf.status to Complete (see also section 5.7.4)


Supervisor A, AA Active Yes or No Change wrcf.status to Complete


Supervisor A, AA Complete No Change wrcf.status to Active


Supervisor A, AA Complete Yes


Supervisor Complete Complete Yes or No



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