Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Corrective Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Preventive Maintenance / Maintenance Console

Security Groups for the Maintenance Console

By assigning users to roles that are associated with security groups you control the capabilities users have. Two security groups enable users to add new data from Select Values lists, or to see all fields on the form for submitting work requests when working in the Maintenance Console.

With application parameters, you make settings for the application as a whole; using security groups, you are giving capabilities at the user level. The user’s assignment to a security group can be used to override a setting made by an application parameter. For example, if you have set the application parameter to hide the equipment panel on the form for requesting work, you can override this for certain users by assigning that user to the role that includes the security group that shows all fields on the form.

To use these Maintenance Console security groups:

  1. You assign the security group to the proper roles using the System / Archibus Administrators - Users and Security / Assign Security Groups to Roles task. See Archibus Administrator Overview: Users and Security Overview.
  2. You then assign the appropriate users to these roles. You can assign users to roles using the Add and Edit Users task. See Entering Users.

The ADD-NEW-OPS-DATA security group

Use the ADD-NEW-OPS-DATA security group to enable users to add new data from Select Values list when working in the Maintenance Console.

From the Maintenance Console, you select items from Select Values lists to fill in forms. The Select Value list contains the values that have been added for your site either using the background data tasks, or using the Add New button on the Select Value form. The Add New button appears on forms only if you have assigned the user to the ADD-NEW-OPS-DATA security group. Users assigned to the ADD-NEW-OPS-DATA security group will see the Add New button when adding data, such as problem types, locations, equipment, craftspersons, and trades; users who are not assigned to this security group do not see the button, and are not able to add data in this way.

This security group is a convenient way to authorize specific users to incrementally develop data as they are working in the console. The default supervisor is assigned to all security groups, so if you log in as the default supervisor, you will have all capabilities associated with security groups.

The SHOW-ALL-REQUEST-FIELDS security group

Use the SHOW-ALL-REQUEST-FIELDS security group to enable users to see all fields on the Report Problem form used to submit work requests.

For example, you can hide Equipment on the form for creating work requests by setting the application parameter that controls this ability. However, you might want to authorize certain users to add equipment when submitting requests, while generally prohibiting other users. For the users you want to have access, you can override the hiding of Equipment (set in the ShowEquipmentOnCreateRequest application parameter) by assigning them to the security group SHOW-ALL-REQUEST-FIELDS. This security group enables these users to see all fields on the request form, even if you have set the application parameters to hide this information.

See also Application Parameters for the Maintenance Console.


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Maintenance Console: Overview

Working from the Maintenance Console or from a Mobile Device: Overview