Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Corrective Maintenance / Craftsperson / Maintenance Console
Preventive Maintenance / Craftsperson / Maintenance Console
Maintenance Mobile App

Concept: Completing Work Requests Assignments (Craftspersons)

Supervisors can mark work as Complete, but craftspersons can also mark their own work as Complete, either from the Maintenance Console, or using the Archibus Maintenance mobile app from their mobile device.

When you, as a craftsperson, complete a work request, it no longer appears in your queue. However, completed work appears in the supervisor's queue. The supervisor can make further updates if needed before closing the work. Once the work request is closed, it is archived, and is no longer available for editing.

When you are assigned to a work request, the system creates a Work Request Labor Assignment record that stores information for the assignment, such as the estimated hours and scheduling information. The record also has the Assignment Status that enables the system to track when the work is actively assigned, when you have completed, or if you have returned the work so the supervisor can assign it to someone else.

When you, as a craftsperson, run the Complete action for a work request, this affects the status of the Work Request Labor Assignment record as well as the Work Request record. How these changes occur depend on whether or not you are the only craftsperson assigned.

Completing work when you are the only craftsperson assigned

When you complete a work request and are the only craftsperson assigned:

In addition to using the Complete action, you can directly update the Assignment Status (wrcf.status) field from the Edit Craftsperson form. You can do this only for Work Request Labor Assignment records that are assigned to you.

Completing work when there are multiple craftspersons assigned to the work

If there are multiple craftspersons assigned, running the Complete action for a work request might not set the Work Request Status to Complete. When you complete the work request, the system considers the Assignment Status of the other work assignments for the request before determining the new status for the work request. In this way, the system ensures that all assignments are updated before the work request is completed.

The following describes how the Assignment Status of the other assignment records affects the Work Request Status.

Assignment Status (Work Request Labor Assignment record)

Update Work Request Status to…

All are Complete

None are Active, and at least one is Returned AA
At least one is Active

Remain Issued

Self-assigning work and Assignment Status

As a craftsperson, you can be given the ability to self-assign work. However, you cannot self-assign work if there are any Work Request Labor Assignment records that have a status of Active. See Self-Assigning Work.


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