Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Corrective Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Preventive Maintenance / Maintenance Console

Adding Fields to the Maintenance Console's Search

The top of the Maintenance Console includes filter options that enable you to quickly locate work. You can expand the filter by clicking More to show additional filter fields. The below image shows the filter fields that are available by default.

Procedure: Add filter fields to the Maintenance Console

If you want to add additional fields you can do so using the following directions.

  1. Add the new console <field> element in file ab-bldgops-console-filter-options.axvw. For example, add new field PM Procedure (wr.pmp_id) in the filter as shown in the below image.
  2. Change getFilterRestriction () function in ab-bldgops-console-filter-restriction.js to append the new field restriction.

    Back to 

    Maintenance Console: Overview

    Working from the Maintenance Console or from a Mobile Device: Overview