Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Background Data - Maintenance
Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Inventory Manager
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / Background Data - Maintenance

Developing a Tools Inventory

Craftspersons cannot do their job without the appropriate tools. If they prepare for a job and go to the supply closet and find that their expected tool is lost, in repair, or being used by another worker, valuable time is wasted.

Maintaining an accurate inventory of your tools prevents losses, maximizes tool sharing, and ensures that tools are available to craftspersons when they go to a site.

Defining tool types

First, you develop your tool types, which group tools into categories and are useful for managing types of tools, rather than individual tools. Tool types are important for estimating work request requirements.

To define these types, use the Define Tools Types task.

Defining tools

To add tools:

  1. Select the Define Tools task. The Define Tools form appears. The left pane lists any tools that have already been defined.

  2. Click Add New.
  3. In the Tools pane, enter the following:
    • Tool Code: This is the unique identifier for the tool. If you have more than one tool of this type, you can add a number at the end of the Trade Code to distinguish them. For example, you could name saber saws as "Saber 1" and Saber 2"
    • Tool Type: Select the type from the list of tool types you have defined.
    • Building Code / Floor Code / Room Code: If you have developed your locations, you can select the location for the tool. By selecting the Room first, the floor and building are also filled in.
    • Tool Location: Enter a more specific description of where the tool is, if applicable. For example, enter Shelf 10 if the tool is stored on a numbered shelf
    • Standard Hrs. Avail./Day: Enter the number of hours per day that the tool is accessible. It you have specified this for the tool type, enter any differences from the tool type definition.
    • Status: By default this is set to Available, but you can change this to In Use, Broken, Missing, Reserved, In Repair, or Out of Service, as needed. When you reserve tools for work, you see its status, so the status can alert you when tools are unavailable.
    • Date Purchased: Mouse over this field and use the Select Values button to select the date the tool was purchase.
  4. Click Save.