Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Corrective Maintenance / Maintenance Consoles
Maintenance Mobile App
How to Reassign Work
You might need to reassign work. For example, if a worker is out sick, you might want to reassign that work to another worker.
Note: Once work is set to Issued and In Process you cannot remove an assigned craftsperson. You can add craftspersons to Issued work requests.

- From the Maintenance Console, click More in the Filter at the top of the console.
- Click in the Craftsperson field and type in the name of the craftsperson who is out sick, and select the craftsperson from the list of names that match your typing.
- From the Status section of the More filter form, select the check boxes for the work statuses for which you want to reassign work. Once a work is set to Issued and In Process you cannot remove the assigned craftsperson.
- Click Filter to apply the filter.
- From the list of work requests for this craftsperson, select a request to update by click on the Work Request Code.
You move to the Work Request form.
- Expand the Craftsperson section by clicking on its arrow.
The Craftsperson section shows the current assignment.
- Remove the assignment to the craftsperson who is out sick by clicking the X next to the craftsperson. This removes the assignment.
- Click Add to add a new assignment.
The Assign Craftsperson form appears.
- Complete the Craftsperson Code field.
- If you want to schedule the craftsperson for a specific time, choose Scheduled and enter the Date /Time Scheduled fields. Or, choose Unscheduled and complete Estimated Hours. Optionally, enter additional information, such as Assignment Status and Work Type.
- Click Save in the Assign Craftsperson form.
- Click Update Request in the Update Work Request form.
The work request now appears in the queue for the newly assigned craftsperson.

You cannot remove a craftsperson once you have assigned them to the work. However, you can add a new craftsperson assignment.
To reassign work using the Maintenance mobile app:
- Tap the Issued button, and tap the check mark for the work requests you want to reassign.
- Select the work request.
- Tap Hours. Tap Assignments.
- Tap the "+" button, In the resulting Hours screen, select a craftsperson for Craftsperson Code. You can complete Work Type, Comments, and Status. You cannot complete estimated hours.
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Working from the Maintenance Console or from the Maintenance Mobile App: Overview