Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Background Data - Maintenance
Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Inventory Manager
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / Background Data - Maintenance

Define Parts

The Corrective Maintenance and Preventive Maintenance systems have features for helping you maintain an accurate online inventory of your parts. The parts inventory system:

As a starting point for using the parts in storage locations features, you first define parts using the Define Parts task as described in the below procedure. The information you enter for the part becomes the default values that are automatically added when you add the part to a location. However, you are able to changes these values for a specific location if needed. For example, if a particular storage location needs less of a Quantity to Store than the value entered int he Define Part form, you can change this from the default value when you add the part to a location.

You can also add a Part Code when working from the Adjust Inventory or Manage Supply Requisitions views. See Adding new parts as you work.

Calculate Inventory Usage

The Define Parts task includes the Calculate Inventory Usage button, so that you can calculate quantities and costs for the parts and determine the last date each part was used, and the Quantity Understocked. Before examining the data in this form or in the Current Parts Inventory report (Operational Reports / Current Parts Inventory), it is good practice to run this calculation so that you can be sure that the part cost and quantity data are up-to-date.

Note:  The only way to get accurate values for Understocked Quantity for parts is to run the Calculate Inventory Usage action. The values for Quantity Understocked is never automatically updated for any transaction or part usage. Inventory managers can run the calculation from the Manage Parts Inventory view.

See Calculate Inventory Usage

Procedure: Defining parts

To define parts:

  1. Select the Define Parts task.

    The Define Parts form appears.

  2. Click Add New.

    The form for adding a new part appears on the right.

  3. Enter the following information for the new part:

    Part Code: Enter the unique identifier for the part.

    Tip: A good practice is to begin similar parts with the same identifier, and then append a unique suffix that identifies the part. For example, all your light bulbs could begin with BULB; you could then create parts BULB-FLOR-75W and BULB-FLOOD-150W to distinguish flood and florescent lights. You could further append the wattage to define specific bulbs.

    Part Description: Enter a description to further identify the part. The Description appears in selection lists. For example, enter 150W, 120V, 4000 Hrs., 4 1/2" Dia., Tung to describe a particular florescent bulb.

    Quantity on Order: Complete this field with the quantity of parts you have ordered, but not yet received. When you do not have enough parts for a work request, you can check this field to see if any are on order or if you need to order them.

    Part Classification: Enter a value that groups similar parts. Having this value provides a way to search for similar parts.

    Typical Order / Model Number / Stock Number : Enter this information as a reference for placing orders

    Unit Cost - set by User: Enter the typical cost per unit so that the application can calculate the Inventory Value (pt.cost_total) when you run the Calculate Inventory Usage action. The Inventory Value is shown in the Current Parts Inventory report (Operational Reports / Current Parts Inventory). See Operational Reports

    Minimum to store: Complete the Minimum to Store field with the quantity you would like to keep on hand. You can determine this from the average parts usage over time and the lead time required to receive new parts. When you run the Calculate Inventory Usage action, the program then uses this value to determine the Quantity Understocked value. See Calculate Inventory Usage.

    Units of Issue/ Units of Order: Select the units in which this part is issued for work, or the units you use when ordering the part. Select values such as: each, dozen, pound.

  4. Click Save.

Next steps

Associating parts with locations

You next associate locations with parts. Having locations associated with parts enables you to track the location and quantity of all your critical spare parts, and enables you to track the transfer of those parts to the location where they are needed.

When you add a new part from the Define Parts view, the part is added only to the Parts Inventory table. Once this inventory is developed, you can associate the part with a storage location using other views to add, reserve, transfer, or purchase inventory for that Part Code. For example, working from the Manage Parts Inventory task, you can select a part and click 'Add to Storage Location' to add the part to a specified location. See Adding a part to a storage location.

Associating parts with equipment items

Use the Define Equipment Parts by Equipment task.