Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Workflow
Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / System Integrator
Workplace Services / Service Desk / System Integrator

Understanding Service Desk Roles

An SLA's optional workflow steps can be set to go to specific employees, vendors, or craftspersons; or, they can be set to go to a service desk role.

Service desk roleshave two purposes:

Service desk roles can return a single employee or a list of employees.  The employee(s) returned by the role are determined at the point when the step is run, so they can dynamically refer to values in a particular request.  For instance, a service desk role may be defined to return all building managers who exist in the same building in which a request was made. By using a service desk role, you do not need to hard-code a specific manager into the SLA; this allows you to define far fewer SLAs while the system still returns the correct employees to handle each step of the request.

The lookup of a role cannot be expressed by a simple query. The lookup is defined by using either:

Note: If you are using the SLA Console to define service level agreements, you can alternately assign an AFM role to an optional step. See Using AFM or Service Desk Roles to Perform Optional Steps for SLAs.

Defining Service Desk Roles

There are two methods for defining service desk roles: