System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration

Control Behavior of Service Requests and Work Requests (Application Parameters)

As part of configuring the way the SLAs route work through the system, system integrators also need to set the application parameters for service requests and work requests. Set these parameters using the System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration / Configure Application Parameters task. From here, you can see the complete list of application parameters for each application.

You can also edit the message text that is sent with notifications. See the System Integrator / Manage Notifications task.

Below is a partial list of parameters that you may want to set:

Function Parameter Description
Color-coding SubstituteRecordColor The color the system uses to indicate items for which a user is a substitute (). This parameter sets the color used to highlight service requests assigned to the current user as a substitute. Define the color in HEX six-digit format. For example, the color green is defined as '#00FF00'. If you do not want to show a different highlight color for these service requests, use the value '0'
Service time frames



Service window time frames
Auto-Archive service requests Auto_Archive (for AbBldgOpsHelpDesk)

Determines whether or not the system auto-archives service requests.

Note: The Auto_Archive application parameter for work requests is not used. Work requests are always archived when their associated work order is closed.

Note: If a service request is linked to a work request, the system will close the corresponding service requests with the work requests based on the work request application parameters. That is, the work request application parameters take precedence over the service request-only application parameters. The system should use the service request application parameters only on service requests that are not linked to work requests.

Auto-closecompleted service requests AutoCloseServiceRequests

Determines whether or not the system automatically closes Service Requests that have a status of COMPLETED' (). If this parameter is set to 1, then the workflow rules loops through all activity_log records with activity_type 'SERVICE DESK%' AND NOT 'SERVICE DESK - MAINTENANCE', and with status 'COMPLETED', and with no pending steps (that is, requests with a pending step such as 'Survey' should not be included).

For the records meeting these criteria, the system runs the standard Service Desk workflow rule that closes the service requests. This system also checks the application parameter Auto_Archive to determine whether the service requests are archived when they are closed

Auto-close completed work requests AutoCloseWorkRequests

Indicates whether or not the system automatically closes Work Requests that have a status of Completed, and that have no pending steps (such as 'Verification'). The workflow rule that checks for these requests should also close the associated Action Item (activity_log) and Work Order (wo) records.

For these records, run the standard and existing Corrective Maintenance WFR that closes them. The workflow rule does not close any work requests if they are part of a group of work requests assigned to the same work order, and not all in the group have a status of 'Completed'.

Number of days after completing to auto-close service requests CloseDaysAfterSrDateCompleted

If AutoCloseServiceRequests is set to '1' (Yes), then use this application parameter to tell the system to close those service requests that have been completed for at least the specified the number of days.

For example, if this value is '10', then the system closes service requests that have been completed for at least 10 days

Number of days after completing to auto-close work requests CloseDaysAfterWrDateCompleted

If AutoCloseWorkRequests is set to 1 (Yes), then CloseDaysAfterWrDateCompleted tells the system to close those work requests that have been completed for at least the specified the number of days.

For example, if this value is '10', then the system closes work requests that have been completed for at least 10 days


  1. Load using the System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration / Configure Application Parameters task.
  2. In the left panel, choose AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork or AbBldgOpsHelpDesk (for Service Desk). The system then lists all application parameters for the selected application so that you can review or edit the values. The Parameter Description field provides information about the behavior that each parameter controls.
  3. After changing an application parameter, you must do one of the following for the change to take effect: