Archibus SaaS / Reservations

Reservations Module: Typical Workflow

The following is a typical workflow to manage reservations of resources, meeting spaces, and working spaces:

Prerequisite: Review these concepts.


Meeting Space concepts

Working Space (Hoteling) concepts

Step 1. Determine how you want to deploy meeting space reservations.

For meeting space reservations, you can deploy Reservations alone, the Reservations Plugin for Outlook, or with the Archibus Extension for Exchange. See:

Step 2. Set up background data and configure the module behavior.

This information includes rooms and their configurations and arrangements, resources and their types, users and email, timeline blocks, and timeline start and end times, and application parameters that determine various deployment options, such as whether or not notifications are used.

Step 3. Staff and guests request working space, meeting space, and resources.

Working Spaces

Meeting Spaces

Both Meeting Spaces and Working Spaces

Staff and building guests can also reserve resources, working space, and meeting space using Archibus Workplace on a tablet, kiosk, or smart phone.

Step 4. Managers or other authorized users approve reservations.

Step 5. (automatic) The module notifies attendees.

When reservations for meeting space and working space are created, notifications are sent to attendees.

For meeting spaces, Exchange handles the notification if you are using Exchange. Otherwise, the Reservations module handles notification.

Step 6. Update reservations or booking as changes occur.

Circumstances may arise and a requestor may need to change the reservation or booking. As users make changes to their reservations, the system sends notifications.


Step 7. Staff check into reserved rooms.

Your site might want staff to verify that they actually used the reserved meeting space or working space by checking in.

Step 8. Managers analyze reservation activity.

Meeting Space Reports

Working Space (Hoteling) Reports

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