Archibus Reservations Plugin for Microsoft Outlook
Archibus SaaS / Reservations / Reserve / Reservations Calendar Console
Workplace Services / Reservations / Reserve Rooms and-or Resources / Reservations Calendar Console

Canceling Room Reservations

You can cancel a reservation from Web Central whether the reservation was made in Web Central or made in Microsoft Outlook (if you have the Archibus Reservations Plugin for Outlook).

When you cancel a reservation, you cancel all reservations that are associated with the room reservation.

If Exchange integration is configured, Exchange sends the cancellation messages to attendees and visitors, and the corresponding meeting in Exchange is canceled. If Exchange integration is not configured, cancellation messages can be sent by email.

If you are a Reservation Manager, you can cancel multiple recurring or regular reservations at once using the Cancel Selected button on the My Reservations tab. See Canceling Multiple Reservations at Once (Reservations Managers).

Note: Your user role can affect whether you are able to cancel a reservation. See Security Groups and Roles in Reservations. If you belong to a role whose security group is other than RESERVATION SERVICE DESK or RESERVATION MANAGER, you can only cancel reservations if the current date is before the minimum days ahead specified in the resource or room arrangement's Cancellation - Number of Day Ahead time. Also, only the Reservation Manager can select multiple meetings for cancellation.

See Also

Editing Single Reservations

Editing Recurring Reservations

Editing Conference Call Reservations

Verifying Reservations

Canceling Multiple Reservations at Once (Reservation Managers)

Resolve Conflicts