If you cancel a meeting using the Reservations Plugin for Outlook, the application prompts you confirm that you want to also cancel reservations linked to this appointment. Each group of reservations for a conference call is counted as one reservation. For a recurring conference call reservation, each group of reservations for each date is also counted as part of the reservation.
For example:
- If a single appointment is linked to five room reservations for a conference call, and you agree to the cancellation, all five reservation are canceled.
- If a recurring appointment series for a conference call is linked to three locations and five occurrences, this would result in 15 reservations being cancelled for this recurring conference call series.
- If you cancel a single occurrence of a recurring appointment series with three locations, then all three reservations for the single occurrence will be canceled.
In the confirmation message, you will see the number of reservations associated with the conference call reservation to clarify which reservations you are canceling.
Note: The application cancels all possible reservations, and disconnects only the reservations that are not allowed to be canceled, for example, because you are canceling without the required advance notice. This means that the meeting is cancelled in Outlook, but the reservation will still exist in Web Central. The room will show as occupied and cannot be reserved by another requestor, even though the room is no longer needed. If this situation occurs, contact the Reservations Manager who is able to cancel meetings without restrictions.
Single reservation. If canceling one of the rooms or one of the resources is not allowed for a single occurrence of a recurring appointment, or for a single regular appointment, the Reservations Plugin for Outlook will indicate how many reservations cannot be canceled, and offer to disconnect the reservations that can’t be cancelled instead.
Recurring reservations. If canceling one or more room or resource reservations is not allowed for a recurrence, the Plug-In offers to disconnect the reservations for the specific dates and rooms or resources with the errors, but will cancel all the reservations that are allowed to be cancelled. The ones that cannot be canceled will be disconnected from the Outlook Appointment if you proceed, since this will free up more space for new reservations.
The Reservations Plugin for Outlook will indicate the dates and number of reservations that cannot be canceled. To proceed, you can choose to disconnect only the reservations on the dates with errors. Or, you can choose to abort the process and not cancel the appointment.
Cancel the room reservation without canceling the meeting
You can cancel the room reservation (and free up the reserved room), while not canceling the Outlook meeting. This means, you continue to have the meeting on your calendar, but will not use the reserved room (for example, by holding the meeting via internet or phone instead).
The Plugin for Outlook will cancel the reservations only when you save your changes. This ensures that you cannot close the appointment without saving after canceling the reservations.
The Cancel button appears at the bottom of the Room Reservation panel under the Add Rooms button.
When you click the Cancel button:
- The currently selected room becomes unselected, the resource account is removed from the meeting, and the location is cleared. For conference calls, the location description is also removed from the meeting body.
- A popup indicates the number of reservations that will be canceled when you proceed with saving the meeting. If no reservations will be canceled, no popup is displayed.
- If the current meeting is a master appointment of a recurrence series, the Plug-In also checks whether this series has any modified occurrences, and will warn you (in the same popup from step 2.) that the location for those modified occurrences should be updated after completing the Cancel operation.
- You can then proceed with updating the meeting and save it / send it to the attendees. (Saving and sending to attendees both cause the meeting to be saved.)
- When you start to save the changes, the Plug-In shows another confirmation of the number of reservations that will be cancelled. If you proceed, the Plug-In cancels the reservations. If this fails for some reason, you can either abort or disconnect the reservations instead.
The Cancel reservation button is always enabled while the Reservations Plugin for Outlook is online.