Archibus SaaS / Reservations / Reserve / Create or Edit Resource Reservation
Workplace Services / Reservations / Reserve Rooms and-or Resources / Create or Edit Resource Reservation

Create a Resource-Only Reservation

You may want to reserve only resources and not reserve a room either a one-time or a recurring schedule. For example:

You can create a resource reservation to reserve the following types of resources:

Type Example
unique specific equipment and services, such as a specific projector.
limited resources

equipment and services, such as tables, chairs, projectors, TVs, and IT support

unlimited resources catering services, such as coffee, tea and sandwiches

The resources that are shown depend on the information you enter in the filter, your user role, and how the resources is defined. For more information, see the below sections:

If this is a conference call reservation, resources must be reserved for each of the reservations for the conference call. (Conference call reservations include reservations for different locations that are linked together.) See Editing a single linked reservation.

Note: The only type of resource that you do not have to reserve is a fixed resource, such as a projection screen, which always remains in a room. The fixed resource is always included when reserving that room. These are also referred to as amenities. When searching for rooms, you can specify the amenities (fixed resources) that the room must contain, such as a white board or projector.

Note: If you are reserving a room along with the resource, use the Reservations Calendar Console task, which enables you to reserve the room and the resource from one console. By reserving the room and resources together, you can manage them together. For example, if you need to cancel the room, you cancel the resource in the same operation. See Create a Room and Resource Reservation.

This topic contains the following information:


See also

Edit or Cancel a Resource-Only Reservation