Archibus SaaS / Reservations
Workplace Services / Reservations

Methods for Reserving Meeting Spaces and Resources

Archibus provides several tools for reserving meeting spaces and resources.

All reservation tools support adding employees and external guests to the reservation and inviting them by email to the meeting

Regardless of the tool from which the reservation was made, the reservation reports and the Reservations Calendar Console show all reservations. Thus, a staff member can make a reservation in the self-service Workplace portal, and a manager can edit this reservation using the Reservations Calendar Console.

User Objective Type of Reservation Use this task or product
Self-service users

from their computer, phone, or kiosk.

Request meeting space only (no resources)



Archibus Workplace, if you have a Reservations license.

Reservations made from Workplace are automatically approved.

Self-service users from their phone Request meeting space only (no resources)


Workplace Services Portal mobile app
General Archibus user

Reserve a meeting space and resources.



Conference call


Reservations Calendar Console task

General Archibus user Reserve only resources. Resources only Create or Edit Resource Reservation task
Outlook user

Make reservations from Outlook.

Manage reservations in Outlook or in Web Central. To include resources with the room reservation, add them using Web Central.



Conference call

Reservations Plugin for Outlook

See also

Types of Meeting Room Reservations