Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / BIM Viewer
Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Supervisor / BIM Viewer
Assets / Assets / Asset Manager / BIM Viewer
Assets / Enterprise Assets / Facility Asset Manager / BIM Viewer

BIM Viewer: Overview

During the design and construction phase of a building, facility managers develop a wealth of information about the building's space and assets in the BIM model. Facility managers working with Archibus can use the BIM Viewer, to access this information in the Archibus environment.

Use the BIM Viewer task (ab-bim-viewer.axvw) to access information in your Revit models. Built on integration with Autodesk Forge API, the BIM Viewer enables you to review, edit, highlight, and locate in an Archibus view the assets stored in your Revit model.

The BIM Viewer requires the Archibus Digital Twins license, and is offered in both SaaS and non-Saas deployments. It is available as a Navigator task at the locations listed at the top of this topic.

Use the BIM Viewer to perform such tasks as:

Note: To review demonstration BIM models that contain cataloged assets that are stored in the Equipment table, work with building NB in the HQ sample project. Note, however, that not all equipment in the NB model is registered in the Equipment table.

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