Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / BIM Viewer  
Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Supervisor / BIM Viewer
Assets / Assets / Asset Manager / BIM Viewer
Assets / Enterprise Assets / Facility Asset Manager / BIM Viewer

Load a Model in the BIM Viewer

To load a 3D rendering of the building with its equipment into the viewer pane, use these methods. Once you load the model, you can adjust its display by zooming, panning, and so on.

Use the Buildings Command to Load a Model

From the Buildings icon, you receive a list of buildings in the project that are BIM models. This command lists all buildings with BIM models, including those that do not have cataloged equipment.

  1. Click the Buildings icon, located above the viewer pane.

  2. Select a model from the drop-down list.

  3. The model loads in the viewer.

    • The heading in the viewer updates to list the name of the selected building.

    • The filter at the top of the BIM Viewer updates to reflect the building you selected.

Note: In the sample HQ project, building MC10 is represented by a BIM model but does not contain any equipment records. You can load the MC10 model and use the viewer tools to measure it, explode it to components, and so on. See the commands discussed in Control the Display of the BIM Viewer.

Note: In the sample HQ project, building HQ loads as a floor plan instead of a model, due to a mapping error. This will be corrected in the future. (AD-9585)

Use the Assets Pane to Load a Model

When you load the BIM Viewer, the Assets pane lists all buildings that have equipment, regardless of whether the equipment is represented in a BIM model.

To load a model:

  1. Load the BIM Viewer. In the Assets panel on the left, locate the building that you want to examine.

  2. Click on the checkbox for the desired building.

    • If the building is not represented with a model, no action occurs.

    • If the building is represented with a model, the model loads in the right pane.

    • The heading in the viewer updates to list the name of the selected building

    • Clicking on the building's checkbox restricts the view to the selected building. The filter at the top of the BIM Viewer updates to reflect the building restriction, as shown below, and the Assets panel lists only equipment found in this building.

Load a Floor (Level)

Once you load a model with either of the above methods, you can use the Level command to see the individual floors (levels) within the building.

  1. In the toolbar in the viewer pane, click the Levels icon.

  2. From the drop-down list of levels in the building, click on the desired level. For example, click on Level C.

  3. The selected level loads in the viewer pane. The filter and viewer title update to reflect the selection. The Assets panel now lists only equipment found on this level; in this case, 30 items for Level C.

See Also

BIM Viewer: Overview