Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / BIM Viewer  
Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Supervisor / BIM Viewer
Assets / Assets / Asset Manager / BIM Viewer
Assets / Enterprise Assets / Facility Asset Manager / BIM Viewer

Search for Assets using the BIM Viewer

Use the BIM Viewer's filter to search for assets that meet criteria that you specify. For example, when assessing items that need replacement, you might search for all assets that were installed within a certain date range and have a specified replacement cost value.

Upon loading, the BIM Viewer shows a limited number of fields in the filter. Click the More button to display the full list of fields, as shown in the image below.

Once you process your search, you can see the assets meeting your search criteria in two ways:

For example, in the below image the user has searched for equipment that was installed on May 1, 2000 or later and costs $2000.00 or more to replace. The Assets panel lists all buildings housing equipment that meets this criteria. The user has selected building NB, which is represented in a BIM model, and the view has highlighted in blue the assets meeting this criteria.

Search for Assets throughout the Project

In this procedure, you search for assets within the entire project; you do not first load a model.

  1. Load the BIM Viewer. In the filter at the top of the view, enter the values by which you want to search for buildings containing assets. Click the More button to show additional fields.

  2. Once you have specified your search criteria, click Show.

  3. The Asset panel lists the buildings containing the assets that meet this criteria.

    • Searching with the filter presents a list of buildings in the Assets pane that meet your criteria. From here, you can further drill into a level (floor) using the Levels command, or select a specific equipment item from the Assets pane. Entering a specific floor or equipment item in the filter does not immediately load that item in the viewer; you must first select the building from the Assets pane.

  4. In the Assets pane, select a building whose assets you want to view by clicking on the checkbox.

  5. If the building is represented by a model, the model loads in the viewer pane on the right. The assets meeting the restriction display in blue.

    • For example, the above image illustrates searching on equipment that was installed after May 1, 2000 and whose Cost to Replace is greater than $2000.00 and highlighting this equipment in the building.

    • You can now zoom in and explore the highlighted assets. See Controlling the Display of the BIM Viewer.

    • You can click on a highlighted asset in the model, and its details appear in the left panel. See Review and Edit Asset Details.

  6. For the selected building, you can expand the list in the left Assets pane to see the an alphanumeric listing of the equipment in the building that meets the restriction.

Search for Assets within a Model

  1. Load the BIM Viewer and the load the model within which you want to search.

  2. In the filter at the top of the view, enter the values by which you want to search for assets in the loaded model. Click the More button to show additional fields.

  3. Once you have specified your search criteria, click Show.

  4. In the Assets pane, expand the list for the model you have loaded.

    • The Assets pane lists the assets in this model that meet the restriction.

  5. Click on an asset in the Assets list.

    • If the item is represented in the model, the viewer zooms into this asset and highlights it.

    • If the item is not represented in the model, yo receive a message stating so.

For example, this image shows that the user loaded the NB model, searched for refrigerator equipment, and then selected one of the refrigerators from the Assets panel. The viewer zoomed to show the location of this item.

See Also

BIM Viewer: Overview

Locate a Specific Asset in the Model by Searching for It

Review and Update Asset Details