Space / Occupancy

Occupancy: Application Overview

With the Occupancy application, you record the locations of employees within your space inventory. Once you have your employees associated with locations, you can access reports focusing on employee average area, how a department's employees use space, and so forth.

If you have graphically represented your space inventory with CAD plan drawings, you can view your personnel information in relation to floor plan drawings by examining occupancy plans and plans of room availability.

Additionally, if you have access to the transactional Space features, you can define a workflow reflecting your site's practices and then allow users to request group moves and individual moves.

Prior to using this application, you must develop a space inventory with the Space Inventory application.

Note: The Occupancy application includes the Update Employee Headcounts task. You only need to run this task if working with non-Space views that reference the rm.count_em field. All out-of-the-box views in Space calculate the employee count dynamically.

Procedure (Non-Transactional Method)

To associate employees with locations and analyze how employees use space, facility managers, space managers, or other staff members work through this process:

  1. Prerequisite: A facility or space manager develops an alphanumeric room list or a CAD-based space inventory. See Space Inventory Overview and related topics.
  2. A facility or space manager associates employees with locations in the space inventory. There are a few ways to do this:
  1. A space manager analyzes employee occupancy with a series of reports, looking for vacant rooms, available locations, employee average area, and so forth. Additionally, if a space inventory CAD plan has been developed, the space manager can view occupancy plans. See:
  2. Other staff will also find an occupancy inventory useful:
    • Any employee (client) can locate employees and access the Workplace self-service view, which includes the ability to request moves, using the Client process.
    • A department manager can access reports, and also prepare personnel for return to work.
  3. Periodically, your organization may wish to survey the space to be sure that your occupancy data matches the electronic inventory. To aid in the survey process, Archibus offers the Space Occupancy & Survey mobile application so that surveyors in the field can directly access the Archibus occupancy inventory from their mobile devices and smart phones. For information, see Archibus Space Occupancy & Survey mobile app.

Procedure (Transactional Method)

If you have access to the transactional Space features,associate employees with locations and analyze how employees use space by working through this process:

  1. Prerequisite: A facility or space manager develops an alphanumeric room list or a CAD-based space inventory. See Space Inventory Overview and related topics.
  2. A facility or space manager associates employees with locations in the space inventory. See Occupancy / Background Data (Transactional). This involves the following tasks:
  1. So that your site can offer self-service tasks for requesting individual and group moves, service desk managers must define service level agreements (SLAs) that reflect your site's conventions and workflow for processing moves. The system automatically updates and creates Workspace Transaction records based on move requests,
  2. Once SLAs are defined, company employees with the appropriate access (clients) can request individual and group moves, as well as check on their requests.
  1. A space manager or other staff analyzes employee occupancy with a series of reports, looking for vacant rooms, available locations, employee average area, and so forth. moves. See Occupancy / Operational Reports (Transactional Method).
  2. At any point in the above process a space manager approves moves, assigns employees to moves, issues move orders, analyzes current data, analyzes future occupancy, and so forth. See Space Manager Overview.
  3. Periodically, you may wish to survey the space to be sure that your occupancy data matches the electronic inventory. To aid in the survey process, Archibus offers the Space Occupancy & Survey mobile application so that surveyors in the field can directly access the Archibus occupancy inventory from their mobile devices and smart phones. For information, see Archibus Space Occupancy & Survey mobile app.

If you are using the transactional method for tracking occupancy, you will want to review these concepts: