Archibus SaaS / Reservations / Background Data - Reservations
Workplace Services / Hoteling / Background Data
Space / Occupancy / Background Data (Transactional)

Associating Allowable Room Standards and Employee Standards

It is logical that certain employees require certain types of rooms. Likewise, you may want certain types of rooms to be occupied only by certain types of employees. You can associate employee standards and room standards so that the system can prevent users from occupying rooms not appropriate to their employee standard; similarly, for a certain type of room, you can specify that only certain employee standards can use them.

Associating room standards with employee standards ensures that an employee occupies a room that is adequate for a comfortable working environment, and that the employee does not occupy a room that has features that the employee does not need. If you are charging back space costs, you will want to take the time to associate room standards with employee standards so that employees do not occupy rooms that have more features (and therefore are more expensive) than what the employee requires.

Both the Hoteling and Space domain's Occupancy application (transactional method) use the association between room standards and employee standards. Hoteling uses it to determine which rooms an employee can book, and Occupancy uses it when assigning employees to rooms.

Note: Your site may allow employees (regardless of their role) to use any type of room; similarly, you may allow any type of room to be occupied by any type of employee. If your site does not have restrictions on associating types of rooms with types of employees, you may skip these tasks.

How the system uses the association between room standards and employee standards depends upon the type of booking or space request:

The Hoteling application offers two ways to associate room standards with employee standards:

The Space / Occupancy application offers this task for associating room standards with employee standards:

Completing the rmstd_emstd Table

The association between employee standards and room standards is stored in the rmstd_emstd table. Note the following:

Given these rules, common practice calls for completing this table for all combinations of employee standards and room standards. If the table is not completed for all standards, the standards that you do define will not be as effective.

For example, if you have employee standards A, B, C and room standards X, Y, Z, and you want to indicate that employee standard A can book only room standard X, you likewise need to have entries for room standards Y and Z in the table. Otherwise, room standards Y and Z are available to all employee standards, including A.


To define acceptable employee standards for a room standard:

  1. Choose one of the following:
  1. The view will show Room Standards in the left pane.
  2. Select a room standard, and the upper right pane will present a list of associated Employee Standards for the selected room standard, and the lower right pane will show employee standards available for association.
  3. To associate a set of employee standards with the current room standard, select the employee standards and choose "Add Selected."
  4. The selected employee standards will now appear in the "Assigned Employee Standards for Room Standard" pane.
  5. To disassociate an employee standard and room standard, select the employee standard in the upper pane (Assigned Employee Standards for Room Standard), choose Delete Selected, and the system will display this employee standard in the available pane.

Hoteling users can associate acceptable room standards for a specified employee standard by running the Define Room Standards Allowed by Employee Standard task. For a selected employee standard, you can move room standards between the Assigned and Available panes.