Archibus SaaS / Space / Space Manager / Space Console
Space / Space Inventory / Space Manager / Space Console (non-transactional)
Space / Occupancy / Manager / Space Console (non-transactional)

Team Space: Overview

Alternative Workplace Strategies (AWS) -- also known as "team space"-- is becoming standard practice among space planners and managers. As more employers establish flexible working arrangements, many do away with the model of managing individual employees to specific seats. Instead, space planners set up “team areas,” and assign a set of employees belonging to a specific team to a team area. With team space, zones of space are assigned to teams of people, and only a few staff members, such as executives, have assigned seats.

Space planners do not assign employees to individual seats in the team area; rather, the employees simply pick unoccupied seats within their team's area. Since alternative workplace strategies often include working at home, the space manager can often reduce the number of seats required for a departments. For example, if a team consists of 60 members but typically 25 percent of these members are not in the office on any given day, the space manager can assign this team 45 seats instead of 60 seats.

Space planners can optimize space use by setting target employee-to-seat ratios, which are usually greater than one as a result of flexible working arrangements.

Managing space using a team space approach offers several advantages:



  1. Review these Team Space concepts:
  2. Activate the Team Space features.
  3. Define team property categories.
  4. Define teams and assign employees and associations.
  5. Assign rooms to teams.
  6. Analyze your occupancy information.

Note: For Archibus V.23 and later, the existing reports for the Occupancy application have not been modified to accommodate Team Space. All occupancy counts, rates, and reports reflect permanent employee assignments only; they do not reflect team assignments. For information on team space statistics, see Step 6 in the above procedure.

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Space Console Overview