Workplace Services / Reservations / Reserve Rooms and-or Resources / Reservations Calendar Console
Archibus SaaS / Reservations / Reserve / Reservations Calendar Console

Reservations Calendar Console

The Reservations Calendar Console (ab-rr-my-calendar.axvw) provides a graphical calendar interface, similar to Microsoft Outlook, for reserving meeting space and resources, as well as managing existing reservations.

Using the Reservations Calendar Console, you can perform such tasks as:

Note: Rather than providing general staff with the Reservations Calendar Console task, your site might provide general staff with Archibus Workplace on a tablet, kiosk, or smart phone. With Archibus Workplace, general staff and guests can reserve meeting space on a one-time or recurring schedule, and a manager can manage the reservations using the Reservations Calendar Console. For information, see Using Archibus Workplace.

Reservations Calendar Console topics

Procedure topics