Archibus SaaS / Reservations / Reserve / Reservations Calendar Console
Workplace Services / Reservations / Reserve Rooms and-or Resources / Reservations Calendar Console

Creating Reservations for Conference Calls

A conference call is made up of several reservations for multiple locations that are linked together, and for this reason have unique requirements. These calls typically require multiple rooms in different locations and time zones. They might also require video conferencing equipment. Resources, such as catering and IT support, might be needed at some locations and not at others. With these requirements in mind, the Reservations application or module enables you to:

When room reservations for multiple buildings include resources, the resources are linked to a single room in the reservation and are in the time zone of that room. For this reason, they must be reserved as a separate action by editing the reservation for each room that requires resources, such as catering. See Editing Conference Call Reservations.

Attendees are not linked to a specific location, so they can choose the location from among the reserved rooms, or they can attend from another location, such as from home or from a hotel. The list of booked rooms is included in the meeting request so attendees can choose where they will attend the conference call.

Costs are calculated for all dates, rooms, and resources even if these are not shown.

The following image shows editing a conference call. As you can see, this conference call occurs in three separate rooms, each of which is indicated on the calendar. The colors on the calendar correspond with the room listed in the Reservation Summary panel. If these rooms had existing reservations during this week, they reservations would also be displayed according to the color for each room.

See Also

Editing Reservations for Conference Calls