Archibus Reservations Plugin for Microsoft Outlook
Archibus SaaS / Reservations / Reserve / Reservations Calendar Console
Workplace Services / Reservations / Reserve Rooms or Resources / Reservations Calendar Console

Editing Reservations for Conference Calls

A conference call is made up of several reservations for multiple locations that are linked together.

When you select to edit a conference call reservation, you are asked if you want to edit the full conference call (all of the linked room reservations), or only the selected room location. If the reservation is recurring, you are also asked if you want to change all dates from the selected date forward, or only the selected one.


  1. Load the Reservations Calendar Console and go to the My Reservations tab.
  2. Search for the conference call reservation, or locate it using the icon.
  3. In the Actions menu, click Edit.
  4. You receive the following message:
  5. Choose the type of edit you wish to make. Review the remaining sections in this topic for details.

Note: You cannot edit reservations that have already occurred; you can edit only reservations that have not started yet. This is true for all roles. For example, to be able to edit a reservation, the reservation's start time must be later than your site's current time.

This topic contains the following sections:

See Also

Creating Conference Call Reservations

Canceling Conference Call Reservations from Web Central

Canceling Conference Call Reservations from the Reservations Plugin for Outlook

Canceling Conference Call Reservations via Exchange