Sustainability & Risk/ Health & Safety / Track / Track Incidents task

Entering a Workplace Incident

When a workplace mishap occurs, the safety manager is usually required to create and track this mishap as an incident. When an incident occurs, it is critical to document it thoroughly for liability and safety purposes, and to also note if the people involved in the mishap are company employees or are visitors to the facility.

As a safety manager, you may wish to first enter the basic information and then return to this task to complete other information when you have a more complete picture of the event. For example, if the employee is being hospitalized, you may need to wait for the employee to be admitted before completing detailed medical information.

In addition, the safety manager will also want to identify the root cause of an incident so that they can prevent similar incidents in the future by correcting conditions that contributed to the incident.

After saving the incident information, you can upload any supporting documentation and associate it with the incident.

Note: When entering the details of your incident, you often must choose existing values by clicking on the ellipses button. If the list of existing values does not suit your needs, be sure to inform your administrator so that they can add these values to the system.

Note: If you have access to the Archibus Incident Reporting mobile app, you can report incidents using your smart phone and then sync the device to upload the incident data to the database.

To create a new incident

  1. Select Health & Safety / Track / Track Incidents.
  2. Complete the filter console, if necessary.
  1. The system displays a list of incidents in the Incidents panel. Click Add New, and the system presents the Incidents Details pane with a series of tabs for entering your details. You can now hide the Incidents panel so that the Incident Details panel and its tabs occupy your entire screen.
  2. Enter some or all of the following information by working through the series of tabs. You may wish to enter basic information now, and then return to this task at a later date to add more information.
  3. To save information that you enter on any tab, you must return to the Incident Details tab and select its Save button. The system will automatically assign a number to your incident.

  4. Once you save your incident, you can:

To edit an existing incident

You may initially create an incident and then need to add more information. This is often the case when you use the Archibus Incident Reporting mobile app to record incidents in the field and then sync your device to upload the incidents to the database.

Or, an occasional user may report basic information on an incident (using either the form or the Incident Reporting mobile app)  which you, as safety manager, need to elaborate on.

Use the Track Incidents task to search for an incident and then detail it.

  1. Select Health & Safety / Track / Track Incidents.
  2. Complete the filter console to search for the incident.
  1. The system displays a list of incidents matching your search criteria in the Incidents panel. Click the incident you want to update; the system displays it in the lower pane.
  2. At this point, you may wish to hide the filter console by clicking the small triangular button at the bottom of the filter console. Similarly, you can hide the Incidents pane by clicking its triangular button.

  3. Edit the incident, generate a document, upload additional documents, or copy the incident as described above.

Notifying Safety Officers about Incidents

If the incident type requires that the safety officer be notified of the event, when you create a new incident the system generates an email message to the safety officers for this location alerting them to this new incident. Similarly, if you update the incident information as events progress, the system will send an email message to the appropriate safety officer. For information, see Establishing Notification for Safety Officers.