Sustainability & Risk/ Health & Safety / Track / Track Incidents task

Generate a Word Document from Incident Data

The Health & Safety application offers several reports for summarizing and analyzing incident data; the application even includes reports that map to standard OSHA reports.

In addition to using the application's reports, you may also generate a Word document directly from the Track Incidents task using the Generate Incident Doc tab. You can then format and customize the generated Word document to meet your needs.

Since the Track Incidents task provides access to the database fields typically required in a variety of industry reports, by generating a Word document from this task you will generate a document with data that meets many reporting needs. For example, sites may require a "Near Miss" report, a CAPA Tracking report, or a Worker's Compensation report. The data required for these reports typically exists in the Track Incident view. Sites requiring these reports can generate a Word document from the Track Incidents task and then format the Word document as needed to meet these reporting needs.

Thus, although the Health & Safety application currently does not provide these specific reports as tasks, users can generate their own documents from their Health & Safety data to meet these reporting requirements

To generate a Word document from your Health & Safety data:

  1. Run the Track Incidents task, enter incident details, and save your incident.
  2. Once you save your incident, the system activates the Generate Incident Doc tab so that you can generate a Word document from the data entered for your incident.
  3. Choose this button and the system runs a job to generate the Word document. For information, see Running Jobs.
  4. Once the Word document is generated, you can customize it in Word to meet your specific reporting needs. For example, for a worker's compensation report, you will want to remove incident data that is not pertinent and focus on data concerning the injury, medical facility, treatment, and lost days of work.


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