Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Corrective Maintenance / Maintenance Console
 Preventive Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Maintenance Mobile App

Update Work Requests with Details from the Job

Taking the time to accurately record the hours, tools, parts, trades, and other costs for work requests helps you analyze the cost of work, your efficiency in managing work, and the resources required to accomplish it. The application uses the number of hours each craftsperson spent on the job and the craftsperson's hourly rate to calculate actual labor costs. These costs are summarized and shown for completed work in the Cost Analysis Dashboard.

Either craftspersons or supervisors can update work that is Issued and In Process with the hours and the number of parts and tools used. Once work requests are issued, you are entering actual numbers; you can review estimated or scheduled numbers, but at this point estimates cannot be entered or changed.

Procedures for updating work request details varies based on the tool you are using.

Task Maintenance Console Maintenance mobile app
Update "Issued and in Process" Work Use the Update button. Use the Craftspersons, Parts, Tools, Costs, and Documents buttons
Supervisor tasks A supervisor can update the status for part estimates, directly change the status for a work request, and view the history of workflow steps for the request Not available.
Enter new data If data, such as a craftsperson or location has not been added to the system, you can add the craftsperson or location directly from the Console. It will be added to the work request, and also be available for future selection. Not available.
Bulk update Select the check boxes and use the appropriate buttons. Tap the check marks for the work requests, and then tap Update from the check mark menu that appears once you select requests.

Note: If a craftsperson or a supervisor enters Regular Hours on an Issued work request, and then a craftsperson returns that work request backwards in the workflow, no one is able to edit that Work Request Labor Assignment (WRCF) record, except to set the status to Complete. See Updating Work Requests and their Labor Assignments - Supervisors

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Maintenance Console: Overview

Working from the Maintenance Console or from the Maintenance Mobile App: Overview