Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Corrective Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Preventive Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Maintenance Mobile App
Approving and Rejecting Work Requests
The SLA governing a work request might require that a work request be approved before it can proceed to the next step in the workflow. The SLA can include any of the following types of approval steps:
Approval Step | Description |
Approval (Edit and Approve) |
When the work request has the Requested status, an employee, craftsperson, or vendor might have to provide an initial approval for the work. This type of approval always includes the ability to edit work request details if needed. For example, you might want to change the Description or Problem Type to more accurately reflect the work and to ensure that the work is properly assigned. You can also change the division and department for the work. |
Confirmation approval | A Manager, Facility Manager, or Financial Manager might be required to provide an additional confirmation approval for work when it is requested. This approval occurs after the initial approval, and does not include the ability to edit the request. For these approvals, you enter only your comments when approving or rejecting the work. |
Estimation or schedule confirmation approval | For some work, you might need to provide a confirmation approval for an estimate or schedule. In these cases, the Approve button appears in the row for a request that has been Assigned to a Work Order, or that has been Approved (if you are not using work orders.) The Approve button will not be enabled until the Estimation or Scheduling step has occurred. As this is a confirmation approval, you are not able to edit the work request when you approve or reject it, but you can add comments. |
Tip: A work request includes the Approve button only if the approval is required. The Approve button has a red star to remind you that it is required. So, whenever you see the Approve button, this step must be done to advance the work to the next step. If the Approve button has a stop icon, it means that this is a confirmation approval and that the step the approval is confirming has not yet been completed (Estimate or Scheduling step). Once this step has been done, the Approve button becomes enabled.
Tip: You cannot cancel a work request once it has been approved. After approval, if needed, you can stop a work request. See Canceling and Stopping Work
Tip: You can approve a group of work requests at once, but when approving multiple requests, you can add only comments, and you must add the same comment for all the requests. When approving a single work request, if the approval is the initial approval when the work is first requested, you are able to edit information for the request, such as the account, division, department, Description and the Problem Type, before approving it. Confirmation approvals (whether they are confirming the initial approval or a scheduling or estimation step) never include the ability to edit the request.

If an approver rejects a request using the Maintenance Console, the system sustains the work request by returning it to the requestor. In this way, requestors can add detail to a request and resubmit it, and estimators and schedulers can also revise their earlier work. This process is more efficient than having to close a rejected work request and have the client resubmit a new one.
A work request that is in the Rejected status and is awaiting the action of a step completer (such as Estimator or Scheduler) can be edited or canceled by the Supervisor.
Note: When you reject a work request, this action does not save any changes that you as the approver make. Instead, the approver should enter Comments that let the requestor know what changes need to be made before re-submitting the request.

The action buttons in the console guide you through the steps that a work request requires. If you want to see the workflow steps for a request and who must perform them, click on the Work Request Code in the grid to access the Work Request form. In the Other Details tab, expand the History section. You will see the required workflow steps that have been completed, those that are pending, and the order of the steps. In the below example, the Edit and Approve step is an initial approval, and the Manager Approval is a second confirming approval. This request also has an estimation approval that has already been completed.

When working from the Maintenance Console, if a work request has a confirmation or edit and approve workflow step, you have the option to reject the work. If you reject a request, it is not archived, but instead is returned to a prior step and / or status. This gives the person who submitted the request, estimated it, or scheduled it the opportunity to make changes and resubmit the request. As the Approver, you also have the option to cancel the request if you don't want the requester, estimator, or scheduler to have a chance to resubmit the request.
Note: Approvers cannot reject work requests in bulk. The ability to reject a work request and send it back to another user is not available from the multi-select Approve action in the Maintenance Console. You reject work requests when working with a single request.

You can approve a single request or multiple requests at once. However, you can edit a request before approving it only when working with a single request. When approving multiple requests at once, you can enter only comments and the comments must be the same for all requests.
See also: Maintenance Console: Overview
Procedure: Approve or reject a single work request from the Maintenance Console (edit and approve step)
Note: When approving a request, any changes that the approver makes to the request parameters will only be saved when the approver clicks the Approve button.
- In the Requested group or in the Assigned to Work Order group, locate a request that has the Approve button. These are the requests that have an SLA that requires an edit and approve step, and the approval has been assigned to you.
- Click Approve in the row for the request. The full form for editing the request details appears.
- Make changes as needed. For example, you can change the Problem Type or Description to ensure that the work is routed correctly. You can also change the account, division and department for the work.
- Optionally, enter comments that support your decision in the Comments box.
- Do one of the following:
- To approve the request, click Approve.
The request is routed through the system based on its governing SLA, and is no longer shown in your queue for approval. Some possible actions are:
sent to another employees' queue for estimation or scheduling.
- sent to a supervisor's queue to be assigned to a work order
- sent to a financial or facility manager for a second approval to confirm the initial approval
- To reject the request, enter Comments that let the requestor know what changes need to be made to the request, and click Reject. When rejecting a request, the Comments are required. Comments are the only field that is saved when you reject a request. If you happen to make other changes before rejecting, changes other than Comments are not saved.
The system returns the request to a prior status or step. See Rejecting or Canceling Work Requests from the Maintenance Console.
- To approve the request, click Approve.
Procedure: Approving or rejecting multiple requests at once
To approve or reject multiple requests:
- Select the check boxes for the requests, and then select Approve from the multiselect actions at the top of the console. These actions appear when you have selected multiple requests having the same status.
- Click Approve.
The Approve Work Request form appears.
- Enter comments to support your decision, and then click either Approve or Reject.
- If you reject the request, the system returns the request to a prior status or step. See Rejecting or Canceling Work Requests from the Maintenance Console.
- If you approve it, the request is routed to the next step as determined by its SLA as described above in the procedure for approving a single request.
Procedure: Approving, rejecting, or canceling work requests that have a confirmation approval
Confirmation approvals include the ability to approve or reject the work, but without the ability to edit the request.
To approve, reject, or cancel work when there is a confirmation approval:
- From the Maintenance Console, select Approve in the row for the work request that has the confirmation approval.
- The Approve work request form appears.
- Do one of the following:
- To approve the work, enter comments and click Approve. The work advances to the next workflow step.
- To reject the work, select the user to whom you want to return the work, enter your comments that help the person receiving the returned request understand what information is needed, and click Reject.
- To Cancel the work, click Cancel Work Request. The work is archived.

Procedure: Approving or rejecting a single request
Note: When approving a request, any changes that the approver makes to the request parameters will only be saved when the approver clicks the Approve button, and syncs the device.
- From the Requested screen, tap the request.
The Approve Request screen appears.
- Make changes as needed. You can change the location or Problem Type.
- Enter comments to support your decision by tapping in the Comments box, entering your comments in the screen that appears, and tapping Apply.
- On the Approve Request screen, tap the Approve or Reject button at the top of the screen.
Procedure: Approving or rejecting multiple requests, adding only comments
- Tap the check marks for multiple requests, and then tap the check mark at the top of the screen.
- Tap Approve from the menu.
The abbreviated Approve form appears. This form has only the Comments field.
- Tap the Comments box, enter comments to support your decision, and tap Apply.
- Tap the Approve or Reject button
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Working from the Maintenance Console or from the Maintenance Mobile App: Overview