Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Corrective Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Preventive Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Maintenance Mobile App
Editing Request Parameters for Work Requests
As a craftsperson or a supervisor, you can often gain more information on requests while in the field. For example, an electrician when examining assigned work might find that a light does not work due to a plumbing leak rather than to an electrical problem, or a craftsperson might find that equipment is in a different location, or is a different model than reported. In these cases, supervisors and craftspersons, as well as call center personnel, can edit a work request that they feel has incomplete or incorrect information. This is done by editing request parameters for the work request. Request parameters are key information for a work request that determine the service level agreement (SLA) that is assigned to the work. When it becomes clear after work is submitted or issued that the information entered for the request needs to be modified, then requestors, craftspersons, supervisors, and approvers (for edit and approve steps) can be given the ability to edit request parameters.
When you edit request parameters, the system will reroute the request based on the SLA definitions when you resubmit the request
Authorized users can change the following request parameters from the Work Request and Update Work Request views in the Maintenance Console:
- Problem Type
- Problem Location
- Description (editable only until the work is Issued)
- Location
- Equipment (only editable for Corrective Maintenance work, not for Preventive Maintenance)
- Priority
- Division Code
- Department Code

To enable this capability, the Can Change Work Request? field in the craftsperson's record must be set to Yes. By default, this field is set to No for craftspersons, and to Yes for supervisors. If your organization does not want craftspersons and supervisors to be able to edit the work request parameters after the requests are submitted, you can set the Can Change Work Request? field in the Craftspersons table to No for all users. Any user for whom this field is set to No sees request parameters as read-only in the Work Request form.

Requestors, approvers, supervisors, and craftspersons have the ability to edit request parameters. Users who are assigned to complete non-Approval steps, such as Confirmations, Estimations, Scheduling, Verification, etc. will not have the ability to edit the request parameters unless that user is also the requestor, supervisor, or craftsperson.
To have the capability to change work requests, your craftsperson record must have the Can Change Work Request ? field set to Yes.
- Requestors can edit request parameters for any work they have submitted until the work is issued. For information on the changes requestors can make, see Editing or Canceling Work Requests After Submitting (Requestors).
- Supervisors can edit request parameters for any work in their queue up until the work is completed or closed. Supervisors have access to all requests that are dispatched to them, and also to all requests that are dispatched to their work teams. Supervisors can alter the details of the work request, including work team, location and trade.
- Craftspersons can edit any work request issued to them until the work is completed.
- Approvers who are assigned to an edit and approve step can change request parameters for any work that they are approving. This might result in a new SLA being assigned. See Changing request parameters when approving work.
Work Requests that are Completed or Closed cannot have request parameters edited.
Changing request parameters can affect the SLA assignment, workflow, and escalation as described in the following sections.

As an approver, if you change a work request parameter during an Approval step in the Requested status, the request will follow the new SLA.
If the new SLA contains different or additional steps on the Requested status, those steps will be invoked. The value of the Enforce New Workflow? field (helpdesk_sla_response.enforce_new_workflow) entered for the SLA does not apply, because the request is already at the beginning of the workflow.
Here is an example:
Someone in your organization submits a work request that requires approval from a supervisor.
The supervisor opens the Edit & Approve form and notices that the Problem Type is incorrect, so the supervisor changes the Problem Type, and clicks Approve. In this case, changing the Problem Type changes the SLA that handles the request.
Let's suppose the new SLA also requires an Edit and Approve step on the Requested status, but for a different supervisor. Therefore, the work request remains in the Requested status, and the system generates a new pending approval step for the other supervisor.
- In the above scenario, if the new SLA did not contain any steps on the Requested status, then the request would follow the new SLA beyond the Requested status.
- If the new SLA contained identical workflow steps as on the previous SLA, then the system can invoke any remaining workflow steps, or go to the next status if there are no remaining steps. The completed identical steps do not need to be repeated.

When you change the request parameters for an issued work request, this can change the SLA the work request is assigned to, or the same SLA might still apply. In either case, you can determine if the work should remain at its present status, and follow the workflow steps from there, or if it should be reset to the Requested status and follow the workflow steps from the beginning. You determine this when defining the SLA by setting the Enforce New Workflow? field (helpdesk_sla_response table.enforce_new_workflow). This field will determine what happens to a work request that experiences a change in request parameters.
- If this field is set to Yes, the work request will return to the Requested status and follow the SLA from the beginning. It doesn’t matter if the new SLA is the same as the prior SLA or different. The request will need to return to the beginning of the workflow if you set this field to Yes.
- If the field is set to No, the work request will remain at its current status and follow the SLA from that point onward. This occurs even if the SLA is a new assignment.
The Priority field will be treated like every other Request Parameter; editing the Priority will cause the workflow to reset, if that new Priority requires it.

When changing request parameters causes a new SLA to be assigned, the system follows the service level of the new SLA. The system updates the request’s escalation fields so that escalations occur based on the original date / time requested, and not on the time of the parameter change. This may cause the request to become instantly escalated if the new SLA has shorter response and completion times than the SLA that was originally assigned.
Note: Basing escalations on the original Date Requested is how the application works out-of-the-box. If you would prefer to base escalations on the date the request parameters are changed, your system integrator can customize the workflow rule that process SLA request parameters. For instructions, see Customizing the WFR that processes SLA request parameters.

To change request parameters:
- From the Maintenance Console, do one of the following:
- Click the Work Request Code for the work request. The Work Request form appears.
- Click the Update button or a n Issued work request. The Update Work Request form appears.
- Make changes to any of the following fields as needed:
- Problem Type
- Problem Location
- Description (editable until the work is issued; locked in Issued status)
- Location
- Equipment (only editable for ODW, not PM)
- Priority
- Division Code
- Department Code
- Click Update Request.

You can edit work request parameters on the Maintenance mobile app. These changes follow the same logic as on Web Central. When you change request parameters, the system checks the value for the Enforce New Workflow? field to determine whether the work should stay in its present status and follow the new workflow from there, or be reset to the Requested status and follow the SLA workflow from the beginning. Be aware that the mobile app will not know the value of the Enforce New Workflow? field (helpdesk_sla_response.enforce_new_workflow) until a sync occurs.
To change request parameters:
- From the Maintenance mobile app, sync your device, and then access any of the following forms:
- My Work tab - Update
- Approved tab – Update
- My Requests tab – Update
- Requested tab – Update
- Issued tab - Update
- Make changes to any of the following fields as needed:
- Problem Type
- Problem Location
- Description (editable until the work is issued; locked in Issued status)
- Location
- Equipment (only editable for ODW, not PM)
- Priority
- Division Code
- Department Code
- Click Update Request.
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Working from the Maintenance Console or from the Maintenance Mobile App: Overview