Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Corrective Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Preventive Maintenance / Maintenance Console

Concept: Benefits of Entering Additional Data for Work Requests

When you update work requests, craftspersons or supervisors can add the hours worked so that the system can calculate the labor costs for the work. You can also update information for tools, parts, and other costs. Adding this information has the following benefits:

Data Benefit
Other Costs

If you enter Other Costs when updating work requests, these costs are also included in the Cost Analysis Dashboard cost summaries. Other costs are any costs other than labor and parts. For example, if you need a permit to do work, or a job requires transportation expenses, that could be entered as an 'other cost'. The Inventory Manager defines Other Resource Types that categorize these costs.

See Define Other Resource Types for Work Costs.


If you enter parts and you have entered the Unit Price for the part, then the cost of the parts is included in the costs on the Cost Analysis Dashboard. You can also generate reports on overall parts usage as described in the below table.

See Define Parts

Tools If you track the tools used for work requests, you can generate the Tool Usage History report. See the below table
Cause Types and Repair Types When updating requests, you can enter cause types, or repair types to see how many requests you have for specific types of repairs or causes

The following table describes the information you need to update to generate specific reports:

Report Description Information Needed on Update Form

Archived Work Requests by Trade

Count of the number of work requests for each trade by month. This enables you to assess which trades are being most heavily used, information that can be used when planning your staffing.

Trades can be entered when updating work .

Note: You can also enter trades when estimating work. See Estimating Trades and Parts.

Parts Usage History A bar chart showing the parts used each month. the bar is color coded to show the different parts used. This is a way to quickly assess your most frequently used parts.

You enter parts using the Define Part Inventory task. After entering parts, you can reserve them for specific requests.

See Define Parts.

Tool Usage History Shows the hours the tool was used by month. Knowing how much each tool is used helps you evaluate your tools inventory. You enter tools using the Define Tools background data task. See Developing a Tools Inventory.
Additional Reports - These reports are available if you enter specific information when updating information for the work request as described in the Notes column.
Report Description Notes
Archived Work Requests by Division and Department Count of closed work requests for each division and department by month for the selected year

By default, work requests are associated with the division and department entered into Archibus for the employee record for the logged-on user who is requesting the work. See Entering Employees. The supervisor for the work, or the manager approving the work (for an Edit and Approve step) can change the division and department if needed.

See Tracking Work by Division and Department.

Archived Work Requests by Repair Type Count of closed work requests by repair type.

You define repair types using the Define Repair Types task. You then enter repair types as part of updating the work request. Repair Types define common resolutions to problems, such as cleaning, replacing, and moving.

By entering repair types you are able to assess the amount of work you have for each repair type.

See Defining Repair Types.

Archived Work Requests by Cause Type Count of closed work requests by cause type

You define cause types using the Define Cause Types task . Cause types are broad categories, such as vandalism, wear, user error, new installation, lack of preventive maintenance, or accident that help you assess the amount of work for each cause type. When you update work requests, you can select the cause type for a specific work request.

See Defining Cause Types.

Archived Work Requests by Account Count of closed work requests by account.

You can associate an account with a work request when you update information for the request. Accounts enable you to charge costs to accounts rather than the components of the organizational hierarchy, such as divisions or departments. For example, suppose your company needs to track the maintenance costs related to an expansion project involving many divisions in the company. To charge the costs to the project's budget, you can establish an account for the project. You can then review your closed work by account for each month in a selected year.

See Define Accounts.

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