Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Corrective Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Preventive Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Maintenance Mobile App

Reviewing Reference Documents for a Work Request

If a document has been associated with one of the following elements associated with this work request, then the work request will automatically have a link to that document.

This type of document is known as a reference document. Your business process owner sets up reference documents using the Manage Reference Documents task. Additionally, you can set up reference documents as part of defining equipment.

From the Maintenance Console

Note: To see other documents associated with the work request, use the Maintenance Console's Documents and Activity tab, and the Equipment Documents section of the Equipment tab.

  1. From the Maintenance Console, click on the Work Request Code field for a work request in the grid.

    The Work Request form appears.

  2. If the work request has associated reference documents, the Work Request form includes the References tab. Move to the References tab. Expand the Reference Materials section.

  3. In the Document or URL column, click on the link for a document.

From the Maintenance mobile app

Working from the Maintenance mobile app, if reference documents have been associated with a problem type of preventive maintenance procedure for one of your work requests, you can use the References button to access those documents. The button is available from the Update screen.

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