Archibus SaaS / Leases / Lease Portfolio
Real Property / Leases / Lease Portfolio

Lease Portfolio Console

Working from the Lease Portfolio Console (ab-repm-addedit-lease-details-console.axvw), you can manage all aspects of a lease, whether you are managing leases as the landlord or as the tenant. You can also create new leases and all their details.

The Lease Portfolio Console combines features of several other tasks, such as the Portfolio Edit Wizard.

When you first load the view, you can:

Once you select a lease on the first tab, the Lease Portfolio Console presents the following lease information so that you can review and edit it. If you are using the multi-tab mode, simply click on each tab to access the information and buttons for editing and creating new records.

Note: With the exception of lease classifications, cost profiles, and communication logs, all of the above items can also be edited and created using the Portfolio Edit Wizard. Therefore, the Lease Portfolio Console and Portfolio Edit Wizard share many of the same help topics. For information on the Portfolio Edit Wizard and other tools for developing and editing lease data, see Overview of Tasks for Editing Leases. Note that th