Archibus SaaS / Leases / Lease Portfolio
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Real Property / Leases / Lease Portfolio

Working with Suites

A suite is a contiguous area that a tenant occupies on a particular floor of a building. You associate a suite with a lease so that you know the exact area of a floor that a tenant occupies and is covered by the lease agreement. Suites can be depicted in CAD drawings and connected to Suite records, or can be tracked in Suite records only. For information on depicting suites in CAD, see Suite Analysis process and Draw Suites.

When working with the Portfolio Edit Wizard, you can create Suite records and associate them with leases, or choose from existing Suite records that have already been entered and possibly represented in CAD.

The Portfolio Edit Wizard (Suites tab) presents different information depending on whether you selected to work on a building or a lease using the Action and Type tab of the Portfolio Edit Wizard.

Accessing the Suites Form

For more information, see

Assigning Suites to Leases

To assign suites to a lease, on the Action and Type tab, you first select to add or edit a lease for a building. Next, you navigate to the Suites tab so that you can associate the suite with a lease, edit suite information, delete suites, or split suites. When working with a lease, the Suites tab shows:

Adding Suites

To add a suite, on the Action and Type tab, you select to add or edit information for a building. When you add a new building, a suite is automatically created. You can modify the information for this suite, or can add a new suite for the building if needed. You can also edit information for an existing suite, delete a suite, or split a suite. When you have selected to work with a building, the Suites tab shows the list of all suites for the building.

Splitting Suites

  When working with either a building or a lease, to save data entry, as long as a suite is not associated with a CAD drawing, you can split a suite to create a new suite.


To ... Do this ...
Edit suite information
  1. Click Edit in the row for the suite.

    The Edit Suite dialog box appears.

  2. Change suite information as needed, and click Save. See the next procedure for adding a new suite for information on fields you can enter for suites.
Add a new suite when you are adding or editing building information

You add new suites when working with a building, not when working with a lease. You select a building from the Action and Type tab of the Portfolio Edit Wizard.

  1. Click Add New at the top of the Suites for this Building panel.
  2. The Add Suite dialog box appears.

  3. Enter or select the following required fields:

Suite Code- A unique identifier for the suite.

Floor Code- Select the floor for the suite. When you add a building, a floor is automatically created, but you can select additional floors that have been defined for the building.

Note: The system adds the Lease Code to the suite when you assign the suite to a lease.

  1. Enter the following recommended fields:

    Suite Area Manual Entry: Enter the area if you have not developed a CAD drawing for the suite. The Suite Area Manual Entry is used to estimate the total area for a building if the Area Usable is unavailable. The estimated area is used in calculations for key performance indicator charts that show how much area you currently have by location, by facility type, by availability, and on a timeline.

    Facility Type ID: The Facility Type ID describes how you are using the suite. It is used in key performance indicator charts that show your total estimated area by facility type.

  2. Suite Name: A description that can help to identify the suite.

    Description : Additional descriptive text, if needed.

  3. Click Save.

    The suite is now available for assignment when you select a lease.

Delete a suite when working with a lease.

Note: When working with a lease, you can only delete suites that are not assigned to a lease: If a suite is assigned to a lease, you must unassign it before deleting it.

In the Available Suites - Not Yet Assigned section, click Delete in the row for the suite. If the suite is assigned and you want to delete it, first unassign it. It then appears in the Available Suites - Not Yet Assigned section from which you can make the deletion.

Delete a suite when working with a building.

When working with a building, you can delete any suite defined for the building

In the Suites for this Building panel, click Delete in the row for the suite.

When working with either a lease or a building: Split a suite

In either the Available Suites Not Yet Assigned or the Suites Assigned to the Selected Lease/Sublease section, click Split in the row for the suite.

Note: You cannot split a suite if it is associated with a CAD drawing.

Two suites of equal size are created by giving each of the new suites half the Suite Area Manual Entry entered for the original suite. A new Suite Code is generated for the second suite. All other information is copied from the original suite record. You can change any of the information for the split suites (except the Suite Code and the Lease Code) by selecting the Edit button. Splitting suites can save time by minimizing data entry.

Assign a suite when you are working with leases

In the Available suites- Not Yet Assigned section, click Assign in the row for a suite to assign it to the lease.

Note: If the suite you want to assign is already assigned to another lease, you must unassign it before assigning it to the lease. To do this, go back to the Leases tab, select the lease, and click Continue. From the Suites tab for that lease, click Unassign in the row for the suite.

Unassign a suite when you are working with leases

In the Suites Assigned to the Selected Lease/Sublease section, click Unassign in the row for an assigned lease to remove it from this lease. The suite appears in the Available Suites - Not Yet Assigned section.

For example, if you have been occupying leased space in a building and are going to vacate this space so that you can sublease it to tenants, you first unassign the suite from your lease, so that you can assign it to the sublease when you create it.

Next Steps from the Portfolio Edit Wizard

If you are working from the Portfolio Edit Wizard's Suites tab, do one of the following:

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Portfolio Edit Wizard Overview