Importing and Exporting Data: Overview

Sharing facilities data others who do not have Archibus is accomplished with these features:

As shown above, there are two methods for exporting data from Archibus. The following tables summarizes the two export actions.

Data Transfer Export to XLS
How accessed DATA button, Transfer Out action XLS or Export button

Exports to a format that is intended to be read by machine. Enumeration lists, dates, and numbers are in a format that can be reliably parsed and read back in.

Exports to the XLS file in a form that is intended to be read by people – enumeration lists, dates, numbers use the translated values; that is, string values for enumeration lists and localized value for dates are clear to people reading the Excel file.
Include fields from a standards table?


In order to support data transfer round tripping, only the main table fields are exported.

This means that if a field defined in the data source of the view is from the standards table, that field will not be exported.

Yes, if these fields are visible
Fields must be visible in the view?

Yes, with the following exceptions:

  • If the field is a primary key, it is included whether or not it is visible.
  • If you export a view with no fields visible, all fields defined for the data source for the main table are exported.
Obeys the view's restriction? No. Exports all records.


The export includes all records meeting the restriction, even if the record limit for the view prevents some of these records from being displayed.

A restriction can be set with the Smart Search console or a filter.

See Also

Data Transfer Overview

Export Data to Excel (Data Transfer method)

Export Data to Excel