Archibus SaaS / Leases / Lease Portfolio / Lease Portfolio Console
Real Property / Portfolio / Portfolio Summary / Portfolio Edit Wizard
Real Property / Leases / Lease Portfolio/ Lease Portfolio Console

Enter Contacts for Portfolio Items and Leases

From the Contacts panel, you can add, edit, or delete contact information for the lease or portfolio item.

Assigning contacts or tax authorities to land property

You can add tax authority contacts for parcels defined as part of your land property. Since you might own properties in the same city (tax jurisdiction), you can define the contacts only once, and assign the same Tax Authority and Tax Collector contacts with all your properties in that city without duplicating them.

Assigning contacts to multiple leases

You can add contacts to a lease by selecting from contacts you have already added, or by adding a new contact. These contacts can be added to multiple leases, so that you only need to maintain one record. You can also assign multiple contacts to a lease.

The application includes the Lease Contacts table (ls_contacts) that stores lease contact assignments for contacts entered for leases in the Contacts table. When you add a contact for a lease, the record is automatically created in the Lease Contact table.

Landlord and Tenant Contacts

Landlord and Tenant contacts can be entered in the Leases table when entering lease information, or in the Contacts table when assigning a contact to a lease. As a best practice, you should enter the Landlord Contact and the Tenant Contact in both the Leases and Contacts tables.

Access the Contacts Tab

You enter contacts using the Contacts pane accessed from:

When working from the Portfolio Edit Wizard or the Portfolio Edit Form - Complete task, you first select the portfolio item.

When working from the Lease Portfolio Console, you first select the lease. For more information, see


To add a new contact for the portfolio item:

  1. In the Contacts pane, click Assign.

    The Available Contacts form appears.

  2. Do one of the following:

To edit a contact:

  1. Select the contact in the Contact List.

    The Contact Details form appears.

  2. Edit the information and click Save.

To delete a contact:

  1. Select the contact in the Contact List. 

    The Contact Details form appears..

  2. Click Delete.

    A confirmation message appears.

  3. Click Yes.

Updating legacy data

Prior to v.21.3, lease administrators entered lease contacts in the Leases table as follows:

To ensure continuity and ease of migration, the existing lease Landlord Contact (ls.ld_contact) and Tenant Contact (ls.tn_contact) fields will continue to exist and will represent the primary contacts for the lease. However, contacts entered in this way are not recorded in the Contacts table. Contacts cannot be assigned to other leases unless they are also entered in the Contacts table.

To correct this situation for your legacy data:

Next Steps from the Portfolio Edit Wizard

If you are working from the Portfolio Edit Wizard, do one of the following: after working on the Contacts tab:

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Overview of Tasks for Editing Leases and Portfolio Items

Lease Portfolio Console