Archibus SaaS / Leases / Lease Portfolio / Lease Portfolio Console
Real Property / Leases / Lease Portfolio / Portfolio Edit Wizard
Real Property / Leases / Lease Portfolio / Lease Portfolio Console

Enter Amendments for a Lease

To track changes to your lease agreement, you can record amendments. You can also add a lease document for the amendment.

Note: The Amendments tab is not available from the Real Property / Portfolio application's Portfolio Edit Wizard task.

Access the Amendments Form

Before entering amendments you first select the lease. You enter amendments using the Amendments panel accessed from:

For more information, see


To enter amendments:

  1. Click Add New at the top of the Amendments tab.

    The Add Amendment form appears.

  2. Complete the following fields:
    DescriptionSelect or enter a description of the change
    Date Requested Date the change was requested
    Date EffectiveDate the amendment is effective
    Exercised byThe name of the user who exercised the option. Click the Select Value button next to the Exercised by field to select the name of the user entered in the Employees table
    CommentsAny details for the amendment you want to record
  3. Click Save.

    The system automatically completes the Lease Amendment ID field with a unique identifier.

  4. After you save amendment information, the Lease Document field activates the Check in New Document button. Click this button to locate and select a document to associate with the amendment record. See Using the Document Management System.

Next Steps from the Portfolio Edit Wizard

If you are working from the Portfolio Edit Wizard Amendments tab, do one of the following:

Back to

Overview of Tasks for Editing Leases. for a description of all the Add-Edit tasks.