Archibus SaaS / Leases / Lease Portfolio / Lease Portfolio Console
Real Property / Portfolio / Portfolio Summary / Portfolio Edit Wizard
Real Property / Leases / Lease Portfolio / Lease Portfolio Console

Enter Recurring Costs (Base Rents)

You associate cost information with a lease by entering recurring costs. Rents are the most common recurring costs, but you can include other associated periodic costs as well. For example, you might want to enter an estimate of utility costs or quarterly real estate taxes. Use the Cost Category field to distinguish the type of cost.

After entering this data, you can view aggregated recurring cost expenses in the Lease Base Rent Expenses by Year and Lease Commitments Costs by Year Reports. You can view net income for leases based on the expenses and income you enter for recurring costs in the Lease Net Income by Month or Year reports.

For more exact cost reporting, you can enter scheduled costs using the Cost Wizard.

Access the Add Recurring Costs Form

You enter base rents and other recurring costs with these tasks:

For more information, see

Note: If you work with the Lease Portfolio Console, you will see that the Recurring Costs tab has a Cost Profile button so that you can enter cost indexing, common area maintenance (CAM) profiles, and chargeback agreements/ These features are not available from the Base Rents tab of the Portfolio Edit Wizard. For information on these features, see Create a Lease Indexing Profile and CAM Profile Overview.


To add base rents and other recurring costs:

  1. Click Add New at the top of the Base Rents or Recurring Costs tab to define a recurring cost. The Add Recurring Cost form appears.

  2. Complete the following fields:
  3. Field Description
    Cost Category By default, the category is Rent - Base Rent. To add different recurring costs, click the Select Value button by the Cost Category field. The Select Value - Cost Category dialog appears. Select a cost category and cost class from the list. Use the Smart Search feature to filter the list if needed.

    VAT and Multicurrency fields

    When using the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set, enter the Amount Income - Base (Payment) or Amount Expense - Base (Payment) fields as base costs using the Payment Currency. The program will calculate the VAT and Total Costs for you.

    The Cost Category is used with the VAT Country to get the default VAT percentage to use for this cost, unless an override is entered for the cost or for the lease using the Override VAT Percent? and related fields.

    Amount - Income

    Amount - Expense

    When the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set is not enabled, for each record, complete either the Amount - Income or Amount - Expense field. T

    These two fields record the amount of the transaction for the time frame indicated in the Period field. For example, if you pay a quarterly utility bill, enter the amount in Amount-Expense and complete Period with "Quarterly."

    Period This field defines the interval between payments. Choose MONTH, QUARTER, YEAR, or CUSTOM.
    Custom Period (Days) If you choose CUSTOM for the Period field, complete this field with the number of days for the custom period. For example, enter 45 for a 45-day period.

    Only recurring costs with Active? set to Yes are included in the Lease Net Income by Month or Year reports.

    The Costs / Cost Administrator / Cost Wizard task uses this field to evaluate whether the recurring cost record should be used by the Schedule action to generate scheduled costs. The default is YES. If you currently do not wish the recurring costs to be used in calculations, but want to retain it for future use, set this field to NO.

    Note that the Leases module works only with recurring costs.

    Start Date Enter the date that the recurring cost takes effect.
    End Date Enter the date that the recurring cost ends. If this field is left blank, then the recurring cost is scheduled to continue indefinitely.
    Cost dates match lease? Select this field, and the form completes Start Date and End Date with the Start Date and End Date of the lease. If the cost will recur throughout the lease, use this field as a quick way to accurately complete the Start Date and End Date fields.

    Seasonal Start Date

    Seasonal End Date

    These fields model seasonal costs that enable you to generate a more accurate monthly cash flow.

    If you are modeling a seasonal cost, you should specify a Seasonal Start Date and a Seasonal End Date.

    For example, for a winter lease cost you can specify a Seasonal Start Date of November 15, 20XX and a Seasonal End Date of March 15, 20XX (where XX is any year you choose—the year has no effect, as the Start Date you enter for the cost determines when the recurring cost begins to take effect).

    Yearly Factor

    A yearly increase or decrease to factor into the cost beginning from the Start Date. For instance, you can model a 10% yearly increase in lease costs by entering a yearly factor of 1.10. If you enter a value of .75, the lease cost is defined to decrease 25% per year.

    Account Code Complete this field if you wish to assign lease costs to accounts. You can select from the accounts that have been defined using the Define Accounts task.
    Description Enter a description for the expense or income modeled by this recurring cost record.
    Lease Code

    This is the code for the lease you selected. The system automatically completes this.

    Recurring Cost Code After you save the cost record, the system completes this field with a unique identifier for this cost.
    Date Trans. Created The system completes the value with the system date for the time that your created the record.
  4. Click Save.

Next Steps from the Portfolio Edit Wizard

If you are working from the Portfolio Edit Wizard, do one of the following: after working on the Base Rents tab:

Back to

Overview of Tasks for Editing Leases and Portfolio Items for a description of all the tasks.