Archibus SaaS / Leases / Lease Portfolio / Lease Portfolio Console
Real Property / Portfolio / Portfolio Summary / Portfolio Edit Wizard
Real Property / Leases / Lease Portfolio/ Lease Portfolio Console

Associate Documents with Leases

You can select the documents to associate with the selected lease, building, land, or structure using the Documents tab. This enters documents into the Archibus document system. When you add documents, they are available to all authorized users. See Using the Document Management System.

Access the Documents Pane

You enter documents using the Documents pane accessed from:

When working from the Portfolio Edit Wizard or from Portfolio Edit Form - Complete, you first select the portfolio item.

When working from the Lease Portfolio Console, you first select the lease.

For more information, see

Procedure: Associating Documents with a Portfolio Item

To associate documents with a lease, building, or property:

  1. Click Add New at the top of the Documents panel.

    The Add Document dialog box appears.

  2. Enter or select the following required fields:

    Document Name: Enter or select a name for the document.

    Description: Enter details, such as tenant or landlord obligations for utilities and services.

  3. Optionally, enter or select the Classification for the document, such as Contract. Entering a classification helps to organize your documents.
  4. Click Save.
  5. To attach the document, click the Check In Document button next to the Document field Screen shot showing the Check In New Document button. This button appears after you save the document name and description.

    The Check In New Document dialog box appears.

  6. Click Browse.

    The dialog to locate and select the file appears.

  7. Locate and select the file, and click Open.

    The Check in New Document dialog box appears. The name Archibus uses to store the file appears under the Browse button.

  8. Optionally, enter a description of the document and set the document lock status. By default, the status is unlocked. The goal of locking documents is to prevent two or more people from editing the same document at the same time, which results in two or more different branches of changes. Typically, you lock documents as part of the check out procedure and unlock documents when you check them in.
  9. Click OK.

    The Document field now has the document management buttons. image of a Document field with buttons for viewing files and for checking them in and out

    See Using the Document Management System.

  10. Click Save on the Add Document dialog box.
  11. To add another document, repeat this procedure.

Next Steps from the Portfolio Edit Wizard

If you are working from the Portfolio Edit Wizard, do one of the following:

Back to

Overview of Tasks for Editing Leases and Portfolio Items for a description of all the tasks.