Archibus Extensions for BUILDERTM SMS

Process Overview

This topic explains workflows to import data from BUILDER™ SMS into Archibus, and to export data from Archibus to BUILDER™ SMS. System administrators and asset managers should be familiar with requirements for data transfer in both directions.


  1. Review these concepts:

  1. Designate one platform – either BUILDER™ SMS or Archibus – as your system of record. Database updates flow from your system of record to the target platform.

    Note: BUILDER™ SMS is always the system of record for background data.

  2. Configure master connectors. During this task, a system administrator specifies the Archibus and BUILDER™ SMS servers that communicate with each other.


  1. Define assets in the system of record: either Archibus or BUILDER™ SMS. See Guidelines for Entering Organizational and Asset Data.

  1. Regardless of your system of record, import background data from BUILDER™ SMS into Archibus. BUILDER™ SMS data tables always serve as system of record for background data.
  2. Review the imported background data.
  3. View BUILDER™ SMS classifications for asset inventories.
  4. If BUILDER™ SMS is your system of record, edit data in BUILDER™ SMS, then run inbound master connector to import asset data into Archibus.

  1. If Archibus is your system of record, review and edit asset inventory data in Archibus, then run outbound master connector to export asset data to BUILDER™ SMS.

  1. At any time, you can review the properties of master connectors and individual connectors. Typically, you will define properties only for master connectors, and not for individual connectors.

  2. Following your organization's asset inventory requirements, maintain asset data in the system of record. Run master connectors periodically to transfer asset information, and to review and analyze data in the target system.

  3. Whenever you modify background data in BUILDER™ SMS, run the background data master connector to update background information in Archibus. Refer to Source of Record for Background Data. Alternately, schedule the background data master connector to run automatically at regular intervals.


System administrators and asset managers for both platforms – Archibus and BUILDER™ SMS – use Archibus Extensions for BUILDER™ SMS.

System Administrators

System administrators prepare the master connectors for use, and work with asset managers to ensure efficient exchange of background data and asset data between the two platforms. Review these topics if you are a system administrator for Archibus, BUILDER™ SMS, or both:

Asset Managers

Asset managers make sure data stored in both platforms are up to date, accessible, and accurate. Managers define organizational needs for these data, and maintain asset information to meet those needs. Review these topics if you are an asset manager:

After reviewing the above topics, review the Asset Inventory Management tasks related to your organization's requirements. Also refer to the following reference topics:

See also

Capabilities Overview

Import, Export, and Background Data Operations

Navigator Views: Extensions for BUILDER™ SMS

Guidelines for System Administrators

Configure Connectors