Archibus Extensions for BUILDER™ SMS

Review and Edit Asset Information

As you transfer data between BUILDERTM SMS and Archibus, you will want to review it in Archibus and, if Archibus is your system of record, edit in Archibus.

Archibus views presenting assets and locations, such as those available from the Assets / Enterprise Assets processes, report on your assets and data that was updated in BUILDERTM SMS.

Additionally, for your convenience, you can access these views from the Assets / Enterprise Assets / Extensions for BUILDER SMS process. The following tasks related to asset data appear under Extensions for BUILDER™ SMS:

When editing this information, see Guidelines for Entering Organizational and Asset Data

View and Edit Organizational Units

Use this task to review and edit organizational units. Once you define organizational units, you can map them to Archibus sites.

For details, see View and Edit Organizational Units

View and Edit Sites, Complexes, and Buildings

Use Assets / Enterprise Assets / Extensions for BUILDER SMS / View and Edit Sites and Buildings (ab-sp-def-loc-rm.axvw) to open the Define Locations view. Select a site in the left pane to view or edit data for that site and drill down to its buildings, floors, and rooms.

See Developing Locations (Sites, Buildings, Floors) for information about locations.

View and Edit Building Systems

Use Assets / Enterprise Assets / Extensions for BUILDER SMS / View and Edit Building Systems (ab-ep-def-systems.axvw) to open the Define Systems view. Select a building system in the left pane to view or edit data for that system on the right. Examples of building systems include electrical, HVAC, plumbing, security, sewer, and sprinkler systems.

See Define Building Systems for information on the fields of this view.

View and Edit Equipment, Components, Sections, and Details

Use Assets / Enterprise Assets / Extensions for BUILDER SMS / View and Edit Equipment, Components, Sections, and Details (ab-eq-system-console.axvw) to launch the Equipment Systems Console.

As discussed in Comparing Archibus and BUILDER™ SMS Tables, BUILDERTM SMS components and sections map to levels within equipment systems.

For information, see Equipment Systems Console.

See also

Review Background Data

Define Asset Attribute Standards

View BUILDER™ SMS Classifications for Asset Inventories

Map Sites to Organizational Units

Navigator Views: Extensions for BUILDER™ SMS