Archibus Extensions for BUILDERTM SMS

Source of Record for Background Data

Because BUILDER™ SMS serves as source of record for background data, do not edit background data tables in Archibus. Edit background data only in BUILDER™ SMS.

When you transfer data from Archibus to BUILDER™ SMS, BUILDER™ SMS automatically updates these background data tables in Archibus:

Background Data Description Location Background Data Table Name
Building Uses - Validated Assets / Enterprise Assets / Extensions for BUILDER SMS / View Building Uses bl_use_val
Campuses (Locations), such as camps and airbases Assets / Enterprise Assets / Extensions for BUILDER SMS / View Campuses campus
Construction Types - Validated Assets / Enterprise Assets / Extensions for BUILDER SMS / View Construction Types construction_types_val
BUILDER™ SMS Component Types, used as additional information for asset classifications Assets / Enterprise Assets / Extensions for BUILDER SMS / View Builder Component Types builder_component_type
Asset Classifications (UNIFORMAT II asset categories) Assets / Enterprise Assets / Extensions for BUILDER SMS / View Classifications csi

Note: BUILDER™ SMS is the system of reference for background data, condition assessment data, or other data that asset managers update in real time. When you run an inbound or an outbound master connector, BUILDER™ SMS updates background and condition assessment data stored in Archibus data tables. Therefore, always update background and condition assessment data in BUILDER™ SMS.

See also

Capabilities Overview

Comparing Archibus and BUILDER™ SMS Tables

Import, Export, and Background Data Operations

Equivalent Terms

Review Background Data