Archibus Extensions for BUILDERTM SMS

Guidelines for Entering Organizational and Asset Data

Follow these guidelines to ensure that organizational and asset data, entered in Archibus or BUILDER™ SMS, appears properly after transfer via inbound or outbound connectors.

Entering Data in BUILDER SMS for Import

These guidelines and precautions safeguard transfer of valid asset data from BUILDER™ SMS to Archibus. To avoid the possibility of importing inconsistent or faulty data:

Caution: After you import data from BUILDER™ SMS to Archibus, do not alter primary keys in Archibus. To avoid duplication of records when you run inbound connectors multiple times, leave primary keys in Archibus as is. In BUILDER™ SMS, you cannot edit primary keys for organizations and assets; in Archibus, these primary keys are both visible and editable. To ensure referential correspondence between the two platforms, do not modify the values of primary keys in Archibus.

Entering Data in Archibus for Export

These guidelines and precautions safeguard transfer of valid asset data from Archibus to BUILDER™ SMS.

Organizational, site, and building data

Note the following for export of organizational, site, and building data from Archibus to BUILDER™ SMS:

Note: In the hierarchy of asset inventory categories, you must assign sections and their details to building systems and components. Reference information for asset categories always resides in BUILDER™ SMS.

Equipment system and equipment data

Note the following for export of equipment system and equipment data to BUILDER™ SMS:

See also

BUILDER™ SMS Hierarchy

Comparing Archibus and BUILDER™ SMS Tables

BUILDER™ SMS Classification Example