Archibus Extensions for BUILDERTM SMS

Condition Index

When you run a connector group for import of inventory data from BUILDER™ SMS, transfer of condition assessment values for all assets occurs automatically. Condition assessments are based on Condition Index (CI) ratings. CI ratings are computed based on the asset hierarchy used for BUILDER™ SMS inventories:

BUILDER™ SMS computes all Condition Index ratings accordingly. Archibus compiles these ratings in the Performance Metrics section of the Archibus Extensions for BUILDER™ SMS Home Page.

Condition Index Tracking Metric

Archibus imports the Condition Index (CI) metric values from BUILDER™ SMS for: organizations, sites, buildings, building systems and equipment, and keeps track of CI trends using the tracking metric titled BUILDER SMS CI.

The BUILDER SMS CI trend values can be reviewed on the BUILDER™ SMS Home Page, in the Performance Metrics scorecard:

Archibus uses a generic title for the CI metric - BUILDER SMS CI - instead of the exact field names in BUILDER™ SMS - such as BCI, CSCI, and so on - because it can collect the CI trending values for all levels by employing different granularities.

The Archibus Metrics Framework simplifies collection of CI trends by using one metric with multiple granularities, instead of multiple metrics. Each granularity collects CI trend data for a specific BUILDER™ SMS level:

* Components and sections are represented as equipment and equipment systems in Archibus.

Analysis Metric in the Financial Analysis Console

Locate the Financial Analysis Console in the Navigator:

Real Property / Strategic Financial Analysis / Financial Analysis / Financial Analysis Console

In the Financial Analysis Console, the analysis metric, BUILDER™ SMS Condition Index (CI), reports on the most recent Condition Index values for Buildings and Equipment imported from BUILDER™ SMS.

The analysis metric reflects the latest metric values from this tracking metric.

Note these equivalents between BUILDER™ SMS Condition Index (CI) metrics and BUILDER™ SMS hierarchy levels:

* Components and sections are represented as equipment and equipment systems in Archibus.

See also

BUILDER™ SMS Hierarchy

Master Connectors

Import, Export, and Background Data Operations

Source of Record for Background Data

Financial Analysis Console