Archibus Extensions for BUILDER™ SMS

Run Master Connectors

Run BUILDER™ SMS master connectors from the Assets / Enterprise Assets / Extensions for BUILDER SMS / Reconcile Enterprise Assets task.

Note: Run master connectors only from the above task; do not run the connectors from the Define Connector Properties task.

If desired, import background data from BUILDER™ SMS to Archibus before you import or export asset data. For more information, see Master Connectors; Import, Export, and Background Data Operations; and Source of Record for Background Data.

To run a master connector from Reconcile Enterprise Assets:

  1. Launch Web Central.
  2. Navigate to Assets / Enterprise Assets / Extensions for BUILDER SMS / Reconcile Enterprise Assets (ab-eam-reconcile-console.axvw).

    Reconcile Enterprise Assets opens and presents the Execute Connectors tab. Three BUILDER™ SMS master connectors appear at the end of the list.

  3. Click Run Connector next to:

Connector Log appears below Run Connectors, with job status listed in the Message column.

Note: After you run a master connector, check messages in the Connector Log for errors, and to verify master connector has completed its work.

See also

Master Connectors

Configure Master Connectors

View Connector Properties and Field Definitions

Source of Record for Background Data

Guidelines for System Administrators

Reconciling Enterprise Assets

Configure Connectors (System Management Help)