Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Workflow / Manage Service Level Agreements
Corrective Maintenance / Service Desk Manager / Manage Service Level Agreements
Preventive Maintenance / Service Desk Manager / Manage Service Level Agreements

Using the SLA Console (Manage Service Level Agreements)

The SLA Console (ab-bldgops-sla.axvw) simplifies choices for SLA creation. It enables you to:

Access the SLA Console:

Note: As a Service Desk Manager, you may edit an SLA for which service requests have already been generated and are in process in the system. In this situation, the system will handle the in-process service requests according to the new rules that you define for the SLA governing these requests.

Note: Notice the SLA with a request type of SERVICE DESK – MAINTENANCE and an ordering sequence of 1. Since the system requires that all work requests it processes be matched to one SLA, the schema provides this SLA to serve as a “catch-all." If no other SLAs are defined or if a work request does not match with any other SLA, the system matches the work request to this SLA. Do not delete this SLA.

This topic has the following sections:


Using the SLA console, you define SLAs in three steps. As you work, a diagram that summarizes your selections appears at the bottom of the form.

  1. Requests. You define the location, the person requesting the work, and issue for the work governed by this SLA.
  2. Workflow. In this step, you define what actions should happen when the work has each status. For example, you define what should happen when the work is Requested, Approved, Assigned to a Work Order, Issued, Completed, and Closed. A dispatch step is always required, but optional steps define whether the work requires approval, verification, or the completion of a satisfaction survey, when and to whom notifications should be sent, and whether estimation or scheduling are required.
  3. Service Level. In this step, you define the requirements for the response by entering the service window start and end times, and the service desk manager. Optionally, you can enter the time to respond and time to complete the work and associate the work with a compliance contract.

When creating a new SLA, the summary diagram appears at the bottom of the above form.

When editing the SLA, the summary diagram appears as a pop-up form once you select the SLA, as shown below.

Two Methods for Working with the SLA Console

The SLA Console offers two methods for working with SLA

Method 1: The SLA Wizard (Edit Details)

  • The SLA Wizard is the complete form for defining an SLA. With this method, you can:
  • To use this method:


    Method 2: The Quick Edit Form

    When you click Add New SLA from the Manage Service Level Agreements view, you access the Add New SLA form.

    Using this simple quick action pop-up form, you can:

    To use this method:


    Getting started

    A good way to get started is to create a few basic SLAs using the SLA wizard, and save their workflows and service levels as templates.

    Then, you can use either the quick action form or the SLA wizard to create SLAs that use a similar workflow and service level as these SLAs.

    If the new SLA uses a different dispatch option than the workflow template you select, you can change the dispatch option right from the template selection form. This is handy as often the workflows for different SLAs vary only in their dispatch option.

    Creating Multiple SLA at Once - Grouping

    Do you have certain requests that you handle the same with the only variation being the problem type or location? For example, suppose in your workflow all requests for painting go to work team A, and require both approval and estimation, but these requests come in for different locations, and therefore require different SLAs. For these requests, you can create and manage the SLAs together. This is referred to as grouping. Grouping can be a good way to get started when you have a number of similar SLAs.

    See Grouping SLAs.

    SLAs and the Archibus cascading update and delete feature

    The Archibus cascading update and delete feature protects date integrity when you delete a primary key that links to other records. In the case of SLAs, this means that if you delete a primary key value that exists as an SLA Request Parameter, then the whole SLA is deleted. This is because the request parameters are essential to the SLAs functioning. Here’s the list of fields that this applies to:

    See Editing Primary Keys that Link to Other Tables.

    See Also

    Summary Topics

    Preventive Maintenance

    Corrective Maintenance

    Detail Topics

    Step 1: Set Priority Levels

    Step 2: Add optional steps.

    These steps are available for both Corrective Maintenance and Preventive Maintenance:

    These steps are for Corrective Maintenance only:

    Step 3: Define Service Window

    Concept Topics

    Understanding Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

    Working with Templates

    Grouping SLAs

    Setting Ordering Sequence

    Editing SLAs

    Workflow Name