Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Define Workflow
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / Service Desk Manager
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / Service Desk Manager

Create Groupings for Service Level Agreements

The SLA console enables Service Desk Managers to create multiple Service Level Agreements (SLAs) simultaneously by grouping them together based on their common workflow and service parameters. See Concept: Creating Multiple SLAs at Once by Grouping

In addition, you can run this task to create groupings. If you have a lot of SLAs, it can be time-consuming to review them and determine which ones are candidates for grouping. To automatically find and group your existing SLAs, you can use the Create Groupings for Service Level Agreements task to run a workflow rule that finds potential candidates for grouping in your existing SLAs. From this task, after running the workflow rule, you can then review the suggested groupings, and select the ones you want to accept.


Note: If you have a large number of SLAs, such as thousands, the workflow rule can take a few minutes to run.

To create groupings for SLAs:

  1. Select theCreate Groupings for Service Level Agreements task, using the paths listed at the top of this topic.
  2. Click Get Grouping List in the upper right corner.

    This action runs the workflow rule that compares each SLA to every other SLA to see which ones have the same workflow and service parameters. That is, the workflow rule finds SLAs that differ only in their Request Parameters, such as Problem Type or Location.

    When the job completes, the Create Groupings for SLAs list shows the SLAs that are candidates for grouping. Each row shows a suggested grouping.

  3. Do one of the following:
    • To group specific SLAs in the list, click the Create Grouping button for any row in the results.

      After clicking Create Grouping, this row is no longer shown in the results list of SLAs that could be grouped.

    • To create groupings for all the groupings shown, click Create All Groupings (in the upper right corner).

      After clicking Create All Groupings, the list is now empty, as all SLAs that were suggested for grouping are now grouped.

      You can now manage these grouped SLAs using the Manage Service Level Agreements task.

    Note: You can return to the Create Groupings for Service Level Agreements task at any time to rerun the workflow rule to determine if there are any potential groupings.

Edit and manage grouped SLAs in one operation

After grouping SLAs, you can edit and manage these SLAs together.

To edit grouped SLAs:

  1. Access the Manage Service Level Agreements task.
  2. Locate a row for grouped SLAs. Grouped SLAs have more than one Request Parameter, such as Problem Type or Location, shown in the grid. If there are more values for a parameter than can be shown, you will see an ellipsis (...).
  3. Click Edit Details in the row for the grouped SLAs.
  4. The 1 Requests edit form appears. You can make changes, such as adding more problem types or locations on the edit form which will result in more grouped SLAs.
  5. Click Proceed to Next Step.
  6. On the 2 Workflow form, make any changes to the workflow. Any changes you make are applied to each of the grouped SLAs.
  7. Click Next.
  8. On the 3 Service Level form make any changes to the service level for this type of work request. Any changes you make are applied to each of the grouped SLAs.
  9. Click Save.

See also

Creating Multiple SLAs at Once by Grouping