Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Define Workflow / Manage Service Level Agreements
Corrective Maintenance / SLA Console / Service Desk Manager / Manage Service Level Agreements
Preventive Maintenance / SLA Console / Service Desk Manager / Manage Service Level Agreements

Adding a Verification Step for Completed Corrective Maintenance and PM Work Requests

You might want certain work requests to be verified when the work is completed. For these requests, you would set up a verification step which is done for the Completed status. The Verification button shows up in the Maintenance Console only if you include the step as part of the SLA. When you define the step as part of the SLA, the step is required; the work request cannot be closed until the verification occurs.


Note: This procedure describes the selections available for the verification step that are included with the application "out-of-the-box." However, this step is configurable. If your system integrator has changed this step, the step definition would differ from the description below. For more information, see Manage Service Desk Steps.

Note: You might associate a checklist with the SLA Issued status and want the Supervisor to verify the checklist when the craftsperson completes it. The Maintenance Console always offers the option for a supervisor to verify a checklist; you do not need to set up an SLA verification step in order for the supervisor to verify a checklist.

To set up a verification step:

  1. From the Step 2 - Workflow form, in the section for the Completed status, click Add Verification.

    The "Specify who must verify the Work Request" form appears.

  2. Enter the following information.

    Type. Ensure that Verification is selected for the Type.

    Set a condition. Optionally, enter a condition so that only certain requests require verification. For example, you could set a condition that only requests that exceed a certain total estimated cost would be verified.

  3. Select one of the following to be the verifier:
    • Employee. If you want an employee to verify the work, select that person from this list.
    • Vendor. If you have defined vendors to whom you assign work, you can select a vendor to verify the work. See Entering Vendors.
    • Craftsperson. If you want a specific craftsperson, such as a supervisor to verify the work, select them from the craftsperson list.
    • AFM Role. To specify a user role, rather than a specific person, select the role from the AFM Role field. Each user having this role will see the work request in the Maintenance Console when they log in. The first person to respond does the verifying
    • Service Desk Role.  Select from this list to specify a service desk role. If you have defined the Requestor role for the verification step, then you can select Requestor to have the employee who requested the work do the verifying. See Understanding Service Desk Roles.
  4. Notify Responsible? The work request requiring verification appears in the verifier's queue in the Maintenance Console when the verifier logs on. If you select Yes for Notify Responsible?, the verifier also receives an email notification whenever their verification is needed .
  5. Click Save.


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