Real Property / Leases

Enter Suites Using the Portfolio Edit Form - Complete

After saving general lease information using the Portfolio Edit Form - Complete, the Suites Assigned to the Selected Lease/Sublease panel appears. From this panel, you can add new suites, edit suite information, assign suites to the selected lease, and unassign a suite.

Note: To delete or split a suite, use the Portfolio Edit Wizard. See Enter Suite Information Using the Portfolio Edit Wizard.

Use the following table to work with suites:

To ... Do this ...
Add a new suite and assign it to a lease

When you add a suite from the Suite Assigned to Selected Lease/Sublease panel, the suite is automatically assigned to the selected lease/sublease.

  1. Click Add New at the top of the Suites Assigned to Selected Lease/Sublease panel.
  2. The Add Suite dialog box appears.

  3. Enter or select the following required fields:

Suite Code- A unique identifier for the suite.

Floor Code- Select the floor for the suite. When you add a building, a floor is automatically created, but you can select any additional floors that have been defined for the building.

Note: The system adds the Building Code and the Lease Code for the building and lease you have selected.

  1. Enter the following recommended fields:

    Suite Area Manual Entry: Enter the area if you have not developed a CAD drawing for the suite. The Suite Area Manual Entry is used to estimate the total area for a building if the Area Usable is unavailable. The estimated area is used in calculations for key performance indicator charts that show how much area you currently have by location, by facility type, by availability, and on a timeline.

    Facility Type ID: The Facility Type ID describes how you are using the suite. It is used in key performance indicator charts that show your total estimated area by facility type.

  1. Optionally, enter the following fields:

    Suite Name: A description that can help to identify the suite.

    Description : Additional descriptive text, if needed.

  2. Click Save.

    The Suites Assigned to the Selected Lease/Sublease panel shows the suite you just added.

Edit suite information
  1. Click Edit in the row for the suite.

    The Edit Suite dialog box appears.

  2. Change suite information as needed, and click Save. See the preceding procedure for adding a new suite for information on the information you can enter for suites.
Assign a suite
  1. Click Assign Existing Suite at the top of the Suites Assigned to the Selected Lease/Sublease panel.

    The Select Suites dialog shows the list of suites that are not yet assigned to a lease.

    Note: If the suite you want to assign is already assigned to another lease, you must unassign it before assigning it to the lease. To do this, from the drill-down selection list, select the lease the suite is assigned to. In the Suites Assigned to the Selected Lease/Sublease panel, click Unassign.

  2. Select the suites you want to assign to the lease, and click Assign Suite(s) to Lease.

    The suites appear in the Suites Assigned to Selected Lease/Sublease panel.

Unassign a suite

In the Suites Assigned to the Selected Lease/Sublease section, click Unassign in the row for a suite to unassign it from this lease.

For example, if you have been occupying leased space in a building and are going to vacate this space so that you can sublease it to tenants, you first unassign the suite from your lease, so that you can assign it to the sublease when you create it.

See Also

Overview of Tasks for Editing Leases and Portfolio Items for a description of all the tasks.