Space / Moves / Move Coordinator / Review and Estimate Moves
Space / Moves / Move Scenario Planner / Review Group Moves

Reviewing and Estimating Requested Moves (Legacy Task)

Note: Beginning with Archibus V.24.1, the Review and Estimate tasks referenced in this topic were removed, as the Move Console provides the same functionality from a consolidated console that enables you to work with both individual and group moves. See Legacy Move Coordinator Tasks. This help topic is for those sites who prefer to work with the legacy tasks. For information on reviewing and estimating moves with the Move Console, see Review a Move and Estimate its Costs (Move Console).

After an individual move or group move has been requested, the system routes the move request to a move coordinator for review. The purpose of this review is to verify that the move requestor has entered the correct information, and to add additional data to the request. For instance, you may add a cost estimate. You may also add actions required for the move. Actions may include tasks for craftspersons, data coordinators, voice coordinators, and additional contractors.

As the Move Coordinator, you can also create move scenarios for group move projects. See Move Scenario Planner: Overview.

After reviewing and estimating the move request with this task, you can:

Note: If the move requestor notifies you that they want to withdraw a move request, you can change the status of the move request to Requested-Rejected to cancel the move request.

Review and Estimate a Requested Individual Move

You can review an individual move request.

  1. Select the Space / Moves / Move Coordinator / Review and Estimate Moves task.
  2. From the Requested Moves list, select the move that you want to review. You move to the Review and Estimate tab. The Review and Estimate tab contains its own list of tabs depending on the type of individual move that you created. For example, the below image shows the Employee Move tab because this move has a Move Type of Employee. The form includes the Equipment tab because individual equipment items are assigned to this employee.

  3. Review the data that has been entered by the move requestor to verify that it is accurate. Make any changes as needed. For information on the fields completed by the move requestor, see Request an Individual Move.
  4. Enter values for the following:
    • Move Coordinator -- The Move Coordinator receives email notification of changes made to the move status.
    • Move Date -- This is the value that determines the actual move date for the move. This date may differ from the Requested Move Date entered by the move requestor.
    • Account Code -- If this is available to you, enter the account for chargeback purposes.
    • Estimated Costs and Estimated Hours-- Enter an estimate of the move costs and required time.

    Note: You can also track costs for the individual actions that you assign to the move order. See Adding Move Actions for information.

  5. Enter any other data on the move that is available to you.
  6. You may want to delete from the move order equipment or furniture associated with an employee or room.
    • Click the Employee Move or Equipment buttons at the top of the form. These buttons are inactive if the employee or room does not have assigned furniture or equipment.
    • Select the check box for the assets you want to delete and click Delete.
    • Click Close to return to the "Review and Estimate" tab.
  7. Click the Save button. 

    Note: It is important to save your changes before adding actions to your move.

  8. Add actions. See Adding Move Actions for information.
  9. You can now:
    • Save the move data you have entered by clicking the Save button. The move is saved. It is now ready to be routed for approval. See Routing a Move for Approval.
    • If you want to auto-approve the move so that it requires no further approval, click the Auto-Approve button.

Review and Estimate Requested Group Moves

You can review a requested group move. This view presents moves that were created in the Moves application, as well as group moves from Space Planning or Enterprise Assets. The top of the form lists basic information about the move, and the bottom has tabs for each of the items you can move (assets, employees, new hires, and so on). If you created the move order from Space Planning or Enterprise Assets, the bottom tabs list the people or assets to move.

First, review the view's top form.

  1. Select the Move Coordinator / Review and Estimate Group Moves task.
  2. Select the group move that you want to review. You move to the Review and Estimate tab for the selected move.
  3. Review the data that has been entered and make changes as necessary. For example, you can add or remove furniture, add more move orders, remove move orders. For information on the information completed by the move requestor, see Request a Group Move.
  4. In the Review and Estimate Group Move tab, many of the fields will already be complete from the move requestor or the application in which the move was generated. Complete the following fields:
    • Project Manager -- The Project Manager receives email notification of changes made to the move status.
    • Scheduled Start Date-- This is the value that determines the actual move date for the move project. This date may differ from the Requested Move Date entered by the move requestor.
    • Scheduled End Date -- If you know it, you can complete this field.
    • Account Code -- If this is available to you, enter the account for chargeback purposes.
    • Estimated Costs and Estimated Hours-- Enter an estimate of the move costs and time required for executing all the moves of this move project.
    • Project Status -- This will be set to Requested until it is approved. However, for a finer level of reporting, you can set one of these Requested statuses:
      • Requested - Estimated -- You have finished the estimation process.
      • Requested - On Hold -- You want to put the more project on hold while you further research the move. For example, you may want to investigate potential layouts or research costs.
      • Requested - Rejected -- The move order will still be routed to approval, but you are indicating at this stage that it should be rejected.

    Note: You can also track costs for the individual actions that you assign to the move order. See Adding Items to a Group Move for information.

  5. Click the Save button.
  6. Review the list of assets or people to move, and add or delete items from these lists.
  7. See Adding Actions for information.
  8. Once you are satisfied with the list of items to move, you can:
    • Save the move data you have entered by clicking the Save button. The move is saved. It is now ready to be routed for approval. See Routing a Move for Approval.
    • If you want to auto-approve the move so that it requires no further approval, click the Auto-Approve button.
    • develop move scenarios for employee and team group moves. You can create multiple scenarios and then compare the results. After you select the scenario that best suits your needs, you can update the move orders' room destinations with the assignments in the selected scenario. Use the task's "Create Move Scenarios (Optional)" tab to do so.
      • Note that you are not limited to adding move scenarios at this time. You can add scenarios using Edit My Group Moves or Develop Move Scenarios. See Move Scenario Planner Overview. 
      • The Review and Estimate Group Moves task includes the Create Move Scenarios (Optional) tab. This tab offers all the same features as the Move Scenario Planner process. The help system's Table of Contents lists the move scenario topics under the Move Scenario Planner book, but as a move coordinator you can use these topics; the features operate the same way regardless of which process they are accessed from.