Real Property / Portfolio

Portfolio: Background Data

Using the Real Property / Portfolio / Background Data tasks, you can develop geographic, property, and location data (sites, buildings, and floors) to facilitate data entry for Lease Administrators and Portfolio Managers, as they enter information for new buildings, structures, land, or leases.

If the geographic locations were not yet developed in another Archibus domain, you can develop these locations using the Background Data tasks of the Portfolio or Leases applications.

To define your background data:

  1. Define geographic regions, countries, regions, states, cities, and sites for your real estate portfolio. See Developing Geographic Data.
  2. As the Business Process Owner, you can define properties that represent land or structures. Lease Administrators and Portfolio Managers can then add buildings and leases for these properties using the Portfolio Edit tasks. See Define Properties.

    Note: Lease Administrators and Portfolio Managers can also add properties using the Portfolio Edit Wizard.

  3. Define sites, buildings, or floors. See Developing Locations.

    Note: To have portfolio items appear in all key performance indicator charts grouped by geographic location, you should develop the entire space hierarchy. That is, you should enter the Country, Region, State, City, and Site Codes.

  1. From the Portfolio application only, you can define county information. See Define Counties.

You can define the following additional background data as needed: