Archibus SaaS / Leases / Lease Portfolio / Portfolio Edit Wizard
Real Property / Portfolio / Portfolio Summary / Portfolio Edit Wizard
Real Property / Leases / Lease Portfolio/ Portfolio Edit Wizard

Enter Buildings, Structures, and Land (Portfolio Edit Wizard)

Based on the portfolio item you selected on the Action and Type tab, the Portfolio Edit Wizard presents the Building, Structure, or Land tab. Use these tabs to enter or edit location information, and information for the ownership transaction if the building, structure or land is owned.

Note: To have the portfolio item appear in the drill-down selections lists in the Portfolio and Lease Portfolio applications, you must enter the Country, State, and City Codes. For example, the item will not be shown in the Manage Buildings / Structures / Land by Location task if you do not enter this geographic information.

Note: To have portfolio items appear in all key performance indicator charts grouped by geographic location, you should develop the entire space hierarchy to generate all charts. That is, you should enter the Country, Region, State, City, and Site Codes.

Note: The City and State Codes are used along with the complete street address to place the portfolio item on the map. Enter full words rather than abbreviations for the address. For example, enter "Street", not "St."

This topic has the following sections:

Accessing the Buildings, Structures, or Land Tabs

When using the Portfolio Edit Wizard, to access the tabs for buildings, structures, or land, you first choose the desired option from the drop-down list:

The Wizard will then display the tab appropriate to the type of item you are entering.

Access the Portfolio Edit Wizard from:

Entering Buildings

Note: When you are using the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set, the Add/Edit building, structure or land cost fields (such as, Value - Book, Value - Market) are shown using your User Default Currency. These cost fields exclude VAT costs as these costs are used for internal financial analysis for which VAT is not relevant. The view shows area fields using the unit of measure (Metric or Imperial) indicated by the User Display Units of Measure field entered in your User Profile.

Note: When you are using the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set, you enter costs fields in the Budget Currency. If your User Default Currency matches the Budget Currency, you are able to edit cost fields. Otherwise, cost fields are read-only.

To enter a building

  1. Enter the following fields. The geographic fields are required for the portfolio item to be included in the key performance indicator charts:
    Building CodeThis is a unique identifier for the building.
    Building Name

    Enter a unique name to identify the building.

    If you are entering a building that is associated with a property, enter a different name for the property and for the building. This ensures that these items are displayed correctly in the drill-down selection lists. For example, use 'JFK1 (BL)' and 'JFK1 (PR)' instead of just 'JFK', so that the property and its buildings are distinguished.

    Building PhotoSelect an image to include it in reports, such as the Leases and Suites by Buildings or Leases by Structures / Land reports (Portfolio application), or the Building / Structure / Land / Lease Details reports (Leases application). The Building Photo field becomes active after you save the building record. See Adding Photos to a Property or Building.

    Country Code
    Region Code
    State Code
    City Code
    Site Code

    To have the building appear in KPI charts grouped by location, enter this geographic information for the building.
    Address 1 Enter the complete street address, for example, 18 Tremont Street. Enter full words rather than abbreviations for the address. For example, enter "Street", not "St." The application uses the Address 1 field (along with the City Code and State Code) to calculate the longitude and latitude for a building, so that you can see it on map views.
    Address 2Optionally, enter any additional address information in the Address 2 field. Address 2 is used to place the item on the map only if Address 1 is left blank.
    Value Market / Value - BookThese fields are summed for geographic locations, and are shown in key performance indicator charts that help you look for profit opportunities in your current portfolio. The Property and Building Benchmarks report provides the minimum, maximum, and average for these values for the properties included in the report.
    Date - Book Value AssessedEnter the date the book value was determined to help you evaluate if the book value needs updating.
    Date - Market Value AssessedEnter the date the market value was determined to help you evaluate if the market value needs updating
    Building UseChoose a value from the drop-down list to describe how the building is used (for example, office space, mixed use, hotel). This field is handy for sorting the records of building reports, such as the Building Abstract report. It also can be used as part of the Energy Star building performance rating system managed by the EPA.

    Building Occupancy

    Max. Bldg. Occupancy

    Complete these fields with the current and maximum building occupancy. These values are used in calculations; for example they are used to calculate the Occupancy Rate for the building shown in the Property Abstract report.

    If you are leasing out some areas of a building, the Building Occupancy number should include the headcount for both the areas you are leasing and the areas you are occupying. That is, the Building Occupancy number should include both the Emp. Headcount as well as the occupancy of any leased and subleased areas of the building. Entering the number in this way ensures that calculations, such as the Vacancy Rate in the Global Portfolio Dashboard view, more accurately reflect the building's capacity.

    Cost Per AreaUse this field to record the cost of 1 square meter or 1 square foot of the building (depending on the area measurement standard you are using). Typically, an accountant in your organization will determine the cost of one square foot of area and provide you with this figure. This cost figure can be derived from a combination of the cost of rent, construction, maintenance, building insurance, and other factors. The Cost Per Area is used to calculate the Cost Per Employee benchmark shown in the Building Abstract report.
    Account CodeSelect the account to which to bill expenses for this building by choosing a value from the validating Accounts table. You can filter some reports to show costs for specific accounts.
  2. Enter the following fields as needed:
    Property Code Select the property if the building is associated with one, or if you are entering information for land or a structure.
    Postal CodeEnter the postal code. The postal code appears in some reports, such as the View Buildings by Building Status report. You can sort this report by Postal Code.
    Date Built
    Date of Rehab
    These dates are included in some reports, such as the Building Abstract and Building Details reports.
    CommentsEnter a brief description of the building location, condition, amenities, or dates of any renovations or modifications.
    Number of FloorsComplete this field with the number of floors in the building. This value is not calculated by the system and can differ from the number of Floor records assigned to this building.
    Construction TypeChoose a value from the drop-down list to describe the building’s general construction material (wood, concrete, block, brick).
    Building Contact

    Contact Phone
    Use these fields to document the party to contact concerning the building. For example, you can enter the facility manager in charge of this building; if you lease the building, you might enter the landlord’s name. You can review contacts using the Building by Contact report.
  3. Click Save.

Once you enter all your building information, you can review it using he Building Abstract Report. Some calculations presented by this report require that you document how space in the building is used by working with the Building Performance process.

Entering Structures or Land

When you add structure or land, you are adding a new property.

To enter information for structures or land:

  1. Complete the following fields. The geographic fields are required for the portfolio item to be included in the key performance indicator charts.
  2. Field Description
    Property Code Enter a unique identifier for the structure or land.
    Property Name

    Enter a property a name to help identify the property.

    If you are entering a property that has buildings associated with it, enter a different name for the property and for the building. This ensures that these items are displayed correctly in the drill-down selection lists. For example, use 'JFK1 (BL)' and 'JFK1 (PR)', instead of just 'JFK', to distinguish the property and its buildings.


    Complete these fields with values from the validating lists.

    The county can be important to have for recording taxes.


    Address 1 Enter the complete street address, for example, 18 Tremont Street. Enter full words rather than abbreviations for the address. For example, enter "Street", not "St."
    Address 2: 

    Optionally, enter any additional address information in the Address 2 field. Address 2 is used to place the item on the map only if Address 1 is left blank.

    Value Market
    Value - Book

    These fields are summed for geographic locations, and are shown in key performance indicator charts that help you look for profit opportunities in your current portfolio. The Property and Building Benchmarks report provides the minimum, maximum, and average for these values for the properties included in the report.

    Date - Book Value Assessed

    Enter the date the book value was determined to help you evaluate if the book value needs updating.

    Date - Market Value Assessed

    Enter the date the market value was determined to help you evaluate if the market value needs updating.

    Property Occupancy

    Enter the number of people who work in the buildings on this property. The Property Occupancy value is used in the Property Summary and Property and Building Benchmark reports to calculate benchmarks, such as the Yearly Income per Occupant.

    Primary Contact
    Secondary Contact

    Enter primary and secondary contact information for this property. You can review these properties using the Properties by Primary Contact Report.

    Area Manual Enter the number of acres this property occupies. For land, you can view the estimated area by geographical location in key performance indicator charts.
    Area Bldg. Est. Rentable Complete this field with an estimate of the rentable areas in all buildings located on this property. This area is summed for all properties included in the Property and Building Benchmarks and Property Abstracts reports.
    Property Use Choose a value from the drop-down list to describe how the property is used (office space, mixed use, hotel). Property Use is shown in property financial reports to help you evaluate property financial data by the property's use.
    Description:  A brief description that identifies the structure or land.
    Postal Code Enter the postal code.
    Comments Enter a brief description of the property location, condition, amenities, or dates of any renovations or modifications.
    Property Photo

    Select an image to include it in reports, such as the Leases and Suites by Buildings or Leases by Structures / Land reports (Portfolio application), or the Building / Structure / Land / Lease Details reports (Leases application).

    The Property Photo field becomes active after you save the property record. See Adding Photos to a Property or Building later in this topic.

    Percent Owned

    Enter the percentage of the property owned by your organization.

    Zoning Type

    Enter the zoning of this property by choosing a value from the drop-down list.

    Property Fronts On Document the area that the property faces, such as Ocean, River, or Road.
    # of Parking Spaces Enter the number of parking spaces this property has. This value is shown in the Amenities by Property report.
    Services Used Enter the municipal services that the property requires, such as Sewer, Water, Electric, and Gas.
    Airport Name / Highway Name

    Enter the name of the nearest airport and highway. This information is important to brokers trying to sell or lease a property

    Airport Distance / Highway Distance Use these fields to record the distance of the nearest airport and highway from the property. This information is important to brokers trying to sell or lease a property.
    Vicinity Type Document the area in which the property is located, such as Suburban Office Park, Industrial, Wharf, or Downtown Office.
    Account Code

    Select the account to which to bill expenses related to this property by choosing a value from the validating Accounts table.

Once you enter all your property information, you can review it using the Property Abstract Report. Some calculations presented by this report require that you document how space is used by working with the Building Performance process.

Entering Ownership Information

If you selected Own as the Ownership Type on the Ownership tab, the Building, Structure, or Land tabs have an Ownership Transaction section.

To enter ownership information:

  1. In Ownership Transaction section of the Building, Structure, or Land tabs, complete the following fields. The Ownership Transaction ID is system-generated after you click Save.
    Transaction Status

    Choose a value from the list.

    Select Owned, Pipeline, or Disposed to indicate whether the portfolio item is active or not. Key performance indicator charts show your total building estimated area broken down by availability.

    • When you enter Pipeline, the item is shown in breakdowns for the pipeline.
    • Owned items that are not subleased are shown in KPI charts as areas that are available.
    • Disposed items are included in estimated area calculations for the time period for which they were owned.

    Purchasing Price

    Selling Price

    These fields are used to calculate the sum of purchasing costs minus the sum of selling costs for real estate transactions for the month. This calculation is shown in the Net Capital Cash Flow key performance indicator charts.

    Date Purchased

    Date Sold

    These dates are used when generating Net Capital cash Flow charts. Also, the area associated with the portfolio item will be counted only for the period it is owned.

    Enter a brief description of the ownership transaction. 


    Enter any comments about the ownership transaction

If you have ownership changes, you need to update the data. See change ownership of a building, structure, or land.

Adding Photos for a Property or Building

After saving information for a building, structure, or land, you can associate a photo with the record. This photo is used in reports, such as the Leases and Suites by Buildings or Leases by Structures / Land reports (Portfolio application), or the Building / Structure / Land/ or Lease Details reports (Leases application).

If your company uses the Archibus Space Book mobile app, you can complete the Building Photo field with the name of a bitmap image representing the building. The Space Book app will include this image in building lists that it presents

To add a photo:

  1. Add the building or property record by entering and saving information for the building or property. The Check in New Document button appears next to the Building Photo field only after you have saved the record.
  2. Click the Check In New Document button Screen shot showing the Check In New Document button next to the Property or Building Photo field.
  3. Click Browse

    The Check In New Document dialog box appears.

  4. Click Browser to locate and select the image file, and then click Open.

    The Check In New Document dialog box appears. The name Archibus uses to store the file appears under the Browse button. See Using the Document Management System.

  5. Click OK.

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